依 [yi1]
汉字:依 / 拼音:yi1
依 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
三归依 | 三歸依 | san1 gui1 yi1 | the Three Pillars of Faith (Buddha, dharma, sangha)/ see also 三寶|三宝[san1 bao3] |
不依 | 不依 | bu4 yi1 | not to comply/ not to go along with/ not to let off easily/ not to let sb get away with it |
不依不饶 | 不依不饒 | bu4 yi1 bu4 rao2 | not to overlook, nor spare (idiom); unwilling to forgive/ to treat severely without listening to excuses |
互相依存 | 互相依存 | hu4 xiang1 yi1 cun2 | interdependent |
依 | 依 | yi1 | to depend on/ to comply with or listen to sb/ according to/ in the light of |
依仗 | 依仗 | yi1 zhang4 | to count on/ to rely on |
依依 | 依依 | yi1 yi1 | to regret leaving/ reluctant to part/ (onom.) young leaves stir gently in the wind |
依依不舍 | 依依不捨 | yi1 yi1 bu4 she3 | reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hearted at having to leave |
依偎 | 依偎 | yi1 wei1 | to nestle against/ to snuggle up to |
依傍 | 依傍 | yi1 bang4 | to rely on/ to depend on/ to imitate (a model)/ to base a work (on some model) |
依地酸二钴 | 依地酸二鈷 | yi1 di4 suan1 er4 gu3 | kelocyanor |
依存 | 依存 | yi1 cun2 | to depend on sth for existence/ dependent on |
依安 | 依安 | Yi1 an1 | Yi'an county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang |
依安县 | 依安縣 | Yi1 An1 xian4 | Yi'an county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang |
依属 | 依屬 | yi1 shu3 | dependence |
依山傍水 | 依山傍水 | yi1 shan1 bang4 shui3 | mountains on one side and water on the other |
依从 | 依從 | yi1 cong2 | to comply with/ to obey |
依循 | 依循 | yi1 xun2 | to follow/ to comply |
依恋 | 依戀 | yi1 lian4 | to be fondly attached to/ to not wish to part with/ to cling to |
依我来看 | 依我來看 | yi1 wo3 lai2 kan4 | as I see it/ in my opinion |
依我看 | 依我看 | yi1 wo3 kan4 | in my opinion |
依撒依亚 | 依撒依亞 | Yi1 sa1 yi1 ya4 | Isaiah (Catholic transliteration) |
依撒意亚 | 依撒意亞 | Yi1 sa1 yi4 ya4 | Isaiah |
依撒格 | 依撒格 | Yi1 sa1 ge2 | Issac (name) |
依据 | 依據 | yi1 ju4 | according to/ basis/ foundation |
依样画葫芦 | 依樣畫葫蘆 | yi1 yang4 hua4 hu2 lu5 | lit. to draw a gourd from the model (idiom)/ fig. to copy sth mechanically without attempt at originality |
依次 | 依次 | yi1 ci4 | in order/ in succession |
依法 | 依法 | yi1 fa3 | legal (proceedings)/ according to law |
依法治国 | 依法治國 | yi1 fa3 zhi4 guo2 | to rule according to the law |
依洛瓦底 | 依洛瓦底 | Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 | Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Myanmar (Burma)/ also written 伊洛瓦底 |
2021-04-29, 520👍, 0💬
简体:亲昵 / 繁体:亲昵 / 拼音:qin1 ni4
简体:接听 / 繁体:接听 / 拼音:jie1 ting1
简体:战绩 / 繁体:战绩 / 拼音:zhan4 ji4
简体:图雷特氏综合症 / 繁体:图雷特氏综合症 / 拼音:Tu2 lei2 te4 shi4 zong1 he2 zheng4
简体:南昌起义 / 繁体:南昌起义 / 拼音:Nan2 chang1 Qi3 yi4