
你 [ni3]


汉字:你 / 拼音:ni3

you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])


人家牵驴你拔橛人家牽驢你拔橛ren2 jia1 qian1 lu:2 ni3 ba2 jue2see 別人牽驢你拔橛子|别人牵驴你拔橛子[bie2 ren5 qian1 lu:2 ni3 ba2 jue2 zi5]
什么风把你吹来的什麼風把你吹來的shen2 me5 feng1 ba3 ni3 chui1 lai2 de5What brings you here? (idiom)
ni3you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])
你个头你個頭ni3 ge5 tou2(coll.) (suffix) my ass!/ yeah, right!
你们你們ni3 men5you (plural)
你好你好ni3 hao3hello/ hi
你妈你媽ni3 ma1(interjection) fuck you/ (intensifier) fucking
你情我愿你情我願ni3 qing2 wo3 yuan4to both be willing/ mutual consent
你我你我ni3 wo3you and I/ everyone/ all of us (in society)/ we (people in general)
你死我活你死我活ni3 si3 wo3 huo2lit. you die, I live (idiom); irreconcilable adversaries/ two parties cannot coexist
你争我夺你爭我奪ni3 zheng1 wo3 duo2lit. you fight, I snatch (idiom); to compete fiercely offering no quarter/ fierce rivalry/ tug-of-war
你看着办吧你看著辦吧ni3 kan4 zhe5 ban4 ba5You figure it out for yourself./ Do as you please.
你等你等ni3 deng3you all (archaic)/ see also 你們|你们[ni3 men5]
你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋ni3 zou3 ni3 de5 Yang2 guan1 Dao4 , wo3 guo4 wo3 de5 du2 mu4 qiao2lit. you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge (idiom)/ fig. you go your way, I'll go mine/ you do it your way, I'll do it mine
你追我赶你追我趕ni3 zhui1 wo3 gan3friendly one-upmanship/ to try to emulate
别人牵驴你拔橛子別人牽驢你拔橛子bie2 ren5 qian1 lu:2 ni3 ba2 jue2 zi5lit. someone else stole the donkey; you only pulled up the stake it was tethered to (idiom)/ fig. you're the least culpable, but you're the one who gets the blame
去你的去你的qu4 ni3 de5Get along with you!
拜你所赐拜你所賜bai4 ni3 suo3 ci4(derog.) this is all thanks to you!/ well, thanks a lot!
拿你没办法拿你沒辦法na2 ni3 mei2 ban4 fa3don't know what to do with you/ can't really say no to you
操你妈操你媽cao4 ni3 ma1see 肏你媽|肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1]
日你妈日你媽ri4 ni3 ma1see 肏你媽|肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1]
有人想你有人想你you3 ren2 xiang3 ni3Bless you! (after a sneeze)
真有你的真有你的zhen1 you3 ni3 de5You're really quite something!/ You're just amazing!
算你狠算你狠suan4 ni3 hen3you got me!/ you win!/ you are something!
给你点颜色看看給你點顏色看看gei3 ni3 dian3 yan2 se4 kan4 kan5(I'll) teach you a lesson/ put you in your place
肏你妈肏你媽cao4 ni3 ma1fuck your mother (vulgar)
说你胖你就喘說你胖你就喘shuo1 ni3 pang4 ni3 jiu4 chuan3lit. when someone tells you you're fat, you pant (as if you were actually fat) (idiom)/ fig. Hey! I pay you a compliment, and you start bragging! (typically jocular and teasing)/ flattery, like perfume, should be smelled, not swallowed
走你走你zou3 ni3(neologism c. 2012) (interjection of encouragement) Let’s do this!/ Come on, you can do this!
迷你迷你mi2 ni3mini (as in mini-skirt or Mini Cooper) (loanword)
迷你裙迷你裙mi2 ni3 qun2miniskirt




2021-05-07, 643👍, 0💬