
二 [er4]


汉字:二 / 拼音:er4

èr two/ 2/ (Beijing dialect) stupid


一不做,二不休一不做,二不休yi1 bu4 zuo4 , er4 bu4 xiu1don't do it, or don't rest (idiom); either give up, or go through to the end/ Since we started, we must carry it through whatever happens./ in for a penny, in for a pound
一干二净一乾二淨yi1 gan1 er4 jing4thoroughly (idiom)/ completely/ one and all/ very clean
一二一二yi1 er4one or two/ a few
一二八事变一二八事變Yi1 Er4 ba1 Shi4 bian4Shanghai Incident of 28th January 1932, Chinese uprising against Japanese quarters of Shanghai
一来二去一來二去yi1 lai2 er4 qu4gradually/ little by little/ in the course of time
一分为二一分為二yi1 fen1 wei2 er4one divides into two/ to be two-sided/ there are two sides to everything/ to see both sb's good points and shortcomings (idiom)
一哭二闹三上吊一哭二鬧三上吊yi1 ku1 er4 nao4 san1 shang4 diao4to make a terrible scene (idiom)/ to throw a tantrum
一回生二回熟一回生二回熟yi1 hui2 sheng1 er4 hui2 shu2unfamiliar at first, but well accustomed soon enough (idiom)
一山不容二虎一山不容二虎yi1 shan1 bu4 rong2 er4 hu3lit. the mountain can't have two tigers (idiom)/ fig. this town ain't big enough for the two of us/ (of two rivals) to be fiercely competitive
一式二份一式二份yi1 shi4 er2 fen4in duplicate
一心二用一心二用yi1 xin1 er4 yong4to do two things at once (idiom)/ to multitask/ to divide one's attention
一是一,二是二一是一,二是二yi1 shi4 yi1 , er4 shi4 er4lit. one is one, two is two (idiom)/ fig. things are (or ought to be) perfectly clear-cut/ unequivocal
一氧化二氮一氧化二氮yi1 yang3 hua4 er4 dan4nitrous oxide N2O/ laughing gas
一清二楚一清二楚yi1 qing1 er4 chu3to be very clear about sth (idiom)
一清二白一清二白yi1 qing1 er4 bai2perfectly clean/ blameless/ unimpeachable (idiom)
一石二鸟一石二鳥yi1 shi2 er4 niao3to kill two birds with one stone (idiom)
一穷二白一窮二白yi1 qiong2 er4 bai2impoverished/ backward both economically and culturally
一退六二五一退六二五yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3lit. 1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule)/ fig. to deny responsibility/ to pass the buck/ also written 一推六二五[yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3]
一部二十四史,不知从何说起一部二十四史,不知從何說起yi1 bu4 er4 shi2 si4 shi3 , bu4 zhi1 cong2 he2 shuo1 qi3It's a long and intricate story, I hardly know where to start.
丁二烯丁二烯ding1 er4 xi1butadiene C4H6/ biethylene
丁二醇丁二醇ding1 er4 chun2butyl glycol
丈二和尚,摸不着头脑丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3lit. like a three-meter high monk, you can't rub his head (idiom)/ fig. at a total loss
丈二金刚摸不着头脑丈二金剛摸不著頭腦zhang4 er4 Jin1 gang1 mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3see 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦|丈二和尚,摸不着头脑[zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3]
三七二十一三七二十一san1 qi1 er4 shi2 yi1three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/ the facts of the matter/ the actual situation
三下五除二三下五除二san1 xia4 wu3 chu2 er4three, set five remove two (abacus rule)/ efficiently/ quickly and easily
三十二位元三十二位元san1 shi2 er4 wei4 yuan232-bit (computing)
三十二相三十二相san1 shi2 er4 xiang4the thirty-two physical characteristics of Buddha
三心二意三心二意san1 xin1 er4 yi4in two minds about sth (idiom)/ half-hearted/ shilly-shallying
上海第二医科大学上海第二醫科大學Shang4 hai3 Di4 er4 Yi1 ke1 Da4 xue2Shanghai Second Medical University
不二不二bu4 er4the only (choice, way etc)/ undivided (loyalty)




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