CC-CEDICT (Creative Commons - CEDICT)
What Is CC-CEDICT (Creative Commons - CEDICT)? CC-CEDICT is a continuation (under a Creative Commons license) of the CEDICT (Chinese English DICTionary) project, which was to create an online, downloadable (as opposed to searchable-only) public-domain Chinese-English dictionary.
CEDICT was started by Paul Andrew Denisowski in October 1997. For the most part, the project is modeled on Jim Breen's highly successful EDICT (Japanese-English dictionary) project and is intended to be a collaborative effort, with users providing entries and corrections to the main file.
As of 2021-03-27, CC-CEDICT contains 119,440 entries. Each entry has 4 components: Chinese word in simplified characters, Chinese word in traditional characters, pinyin for the Chinese word, and English translation. Here are 3 example entries from CC-CEDICT:
Trad. Simp. Pinyin English ----- ----- ------ ------- 詞典 词典 cí diǎn dictionary 典 diǎn canon; dictionary 字典 zì diǎn dictionary; character dictionary
For form information, see CC-CEDICT Website at https://cc-cedict.org.
⇐ CEDICT (Chinese-English DICTionary)
✍: Guest
2021-04-05, 1139🔥, 0💬
简体:嗳酸 / 繁体:嗳酸 / 拼音:ai4 suan1
简体:反射疗法 / 繁体:反射疗法 / 拼音:fan3 she4 liao2 fa3
简体:外滩 / 繁体:外滩 / 拼音:Wai4 tan1
简体:彡 / 繁体:彡 / 拼音:shan1
简体:琵鹭 / 繁体:琵鹭 / 拼音:pi2 lu4