鹰 [ying1]
汉字:鹰 / 拼音:ying1
鹰 | |||
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异体 | 鹰 鷹 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
不见兔子不撒鹰 | 不見兔子不撒鷹 | bu4 jian4 tu4 zi5 bu4 sa1 ying1 | you don't release the hawk until you've seen the hare (idiom)/ one doesn't act before one is sure to succeed |
中亚夜鹰 | 中亞夜鷹 | Zhong1 ya4 ye4 ying1 | (bird species of China) Vaurie's nightjar (Caprimulgus centralasicus) |
兀鹰 | 兀鷹 | wu4 ying1 | bald eagle |
北鹰鹃 | 北鷹鵑 | bei3 ying1 juan1 | (bird species of China) rufous hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx hyperythrus) |
埃及夜鹰 | 埃及夜鷹 | Ai1 ji2 ye4 ying1 | (bird species of China) Egyptian nightjar (Caprimulgus aegyptius) |
夜鹰 | 夜鷹 | ye4 ying1 | nightjar (nocturnal bird in the family Caprimulgidae) |
天鹰座 | 天鷹座 | Tian1 ying1 zuo4 | Aquila (constellation) |
小鹰号 | 小鷹號 | Xiao3 ying1 Hao4 | Kitty Hawk (US aircraft carrier) |
日本松雀鹰 | 日本松雀鷹 | Ri4 ben3 song1 que4 ying1 | (bird species of China) Japanese sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis) |
普通夜鹰 | 普通夜鷹 | pu3 tong1 ye4 ying1 | (bird species of China) grey nightjar (Caprimulgus jotaka) |
普通鹰鹃 | 普通鷹鵑 | pu3 tong1 ying1 juan1 | (bird species of China) common hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx varius) |
松雀鹰 | 松雀鷹 | song1 que4 ying1 | (bird species of China) besra (Accipiter virgatus) |
林夜鹰 | 林夜鷹 | lin2 ye4 ying1 | (bird species of China) savanna nightjar (Caprimulgus affinis) |
欧夜鹰 | 歐夜鷹 | Ou1 ye4 ying1 | (bird species of China) European nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) |
毛腿耳夜鹰 | 毛腿耳夜鷹 | mao2 tui3 er3 ye4 ying1 | (bird species of China) great eared nightjar (Eurostopodus macrotis) |
熊鹰 | 熊鷹 | xiong2 ying1 | see 鷹鵰|鹰雕[ying1 diao1] |
猎鹰 | 獵鷹 | lie4 ying1 | falcon |
白眼鵟鹰 | 白眼鵟鷹 | bai2 yan3 kuang2 ying1 | (bird species of China) white-eyed buzzard (Butastur teesa) |
白头鹰 | 白頭鷹 | bai2 tou2 ying1 | bald eagle |
秃鹰 | 禿鷹 | tu1 ying1 | condor/ bald eagle |
老鹰 | 老鷹 | lao3 ying1 | (coll.) eagle/ hawk/ any similar bird of prey |
老鹰星云 | 老鷹星雲 | Lao3 ying1 xing1 yun2 | Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16 |
苍鹰 | 蒼鷹 | cang1 ying1 | (bird species of China) northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) |
褐耳鹰 | 褐耳鷹 | he4 er3 ying1 | (bird species of China) shikra (Accipiter badius) |
猫头鹰 | 貓頭鷹 | mao1 tou2 ying1 | owl |
赤腹鹰 | 赤腹鷹 | chi4 fu4 ying1 | (bird species of China) Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis) |
赫氏角鹰 | 赫氏角鷹 | He4 shi4 jue2 ying1 | see 鷹鵰|鹰雕[ying1 diao1] |
长尾夜鹰 | 長尾夜鷹 | chang2 wei3 ye4 ying1 | (bird species of China) large-tailed nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus) |
雀鹰 | 雀鷹 | que4 ying1 | (bird species of China) Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) |
雄鹰 | 雄鷹 | xiong2 ying1 | male eagle/ tercel (male falcon used in falconry) |
2021-05-26, 453👍, 0💬
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