
鱗 [lin2]


汉字:鱗 / 拼音:lin2

lín scales (of fish)


一鳞半爪一鱗半爪yi1 lin2 ban4 zhua3lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom); only odd bits and pieces
大鳞大马哈鱼大鱗大馬哈魚da4 lin2 da2 ma3 ha3 yu2see 大鱗大麻哈魚|大鳞大麻哈鱼[da4 lin2 da2 ma2 ha3 yu2]
大鳞大麻哈鱼大鱗大麻哈魚da4 lin2 da2 ma2 ha3 yu2king salmon/ Chinook salmon
小鳞胸鹪鹛小鱗胸鷦鶥xiao3 lin2 xiong1 jiao1 mei2(bird species of China) pygmy wren-babbler (Pnoepyga pusilla)
东鳞西爪東鱗西爪dong1 lin2 xi1 zhao3lit. a dragon's scale from the east and a dragon's claw from the west/ odds and ends (idiom)
遍体鳞伤遍體鱗傷bian4 ti3 lin2 shang1covered all over with cuts and bruises/ beaten black and blue/ be a mass of bruises
鱼鳞魚鱗yu2 lin2fish scales
lin2scales (of fish)
鳞伤鱗傷lin2 shang1cuts and bruises like fish scales/ terribly cut up
鳞喉绿啄木鸟鱗喉綠啄木鳥lin2 hou2 lu:4 zhuo2 mu4 niao3(bird species of China) streak-throated woodpecker (Picus xanthopygaeus)
鳞次栉比鱗次櫛比lin2 ci4 zhi4 bi3row upon row
鳞片鱗片lin2 pian4scale/ fish scales
鳞状鱗狀lin2 zhuang4scaly/ squamous
鳞状细胞癌鱗狀細胞癌lin2 zhuang4 xi4 bao1 ai2squamous cell carcinoma
鳞甲鱗甲lin2 jia3scale/ plate of armor
鳞翅鱗翅lin2 chi4scaly wing/ Lepidoptera (insect order including butterflies 蝶類|蝶类 and moths 蛾類|蛾类)
鳞翅目鱗翅目lin2 chi4 mu4Lepidoptera (insect order including butterflies 蝶類|蝶类 and moths 蛾類|蛾类)
鳞胸鹪鹛鱗胸鷦鶥lin2 xiong1 jiao1 mei2(bird species of China) scaly-breasted wren-babbler (Pnoepyga albiventer)
鳞腹绿啄木鸟鱗腹綠啄木鳥lin2 fu4 lu:4 zhuo2 mu4 niao3(bird species of China) scaly-bellied woodpecker (Picus squamatus)
鳞茎鱗莖lin2 jing1bulb
鳞头树莺鱗頭樹鶯lin2 tou2 shu4 ying1(bird species of China) Asian stubtail (Urosphena squameiceps)



2021-05-28, 563👍, 0💬