
饶 [Rao2 rao2]


汉字:饶 / 拼音:Rao2 rao2

ráo surname Rao
ráo rich/ abundant/ exuberant/ to add for free/ to throw in as bonus/ to spare/ to forgive/ despite/ although


上饶上饒Shang4 rao2Shangrao prefecture level city and county in Jiangxi
上饶地区上饒地區Shang4 rao2 di4 qu1Shangrao prefecture in Jiangxi
上饶市上饒市Shang4 rao2 shi4Shangrao prefecture level city in Jiangxi
上饶县上饒縣Shang4 rao2 xian4Shangrao county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi
不依不饶不依不饒bu4 yi1 bu4 rao2not to overlook, nor spare (idiom); unwilling to forgive/ to treat severely without listening to excuses
不轻饶不輕饒bu4 qing1 rao2not to forgive easily/ not to let off/ (You, He) won't get away with it!
告饶告饒gao4 rao2to beg for mercy
富饶富饒fu4 rao2fertile/ richly provided
宽饶寬饒kuan1 rao2to forgive/ to spare
广饶廣饒Guang3 rao2Guanrao county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong
广饶县廣饒縣Guang3 rao2 xian4Guanrao county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong
得饶人处且饶人得饒人處且饒人de2 rao2 ren2 chu4 qie3 rao2 ren2where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them (idiom); anyone can make mistakes, forgive them when possible
求情告饶求情告饒qiu2 qing2 gao4 rao2to beg for forgiveness (idiom)
求饶求饒qiu2 rao2to beg forgiveness
沃饶沃饒wo4 rao2see 饒沃|饶沃[rao2 wo4]
讨饶討饒tao3 rao2to beg for mercy/ to ask for forgiveness
丰饶豐饒feng1 rao2rich and fertile
跪地求饶跪地求饒gui4 di4 qiu2 rao2to kneel and beg forgiveness
轻饶輕饒qing1 rao2to forgive easily/ to let off lightly (often with negative: you won't get away with it)
轻饶素放輕饒素放qing1 rao2 su4 fang4easily forgive, simply release (idiom); to let sb off scot free
Rao2surname Rao
rao2rich/ abundant/ exuberant/ to add for free/ to throw in as bonus/ to spare/ to forgive/ despite/ although
饶了饒了rao2 le5to spare/ to forgive
饶命饒命rao2 ming4to spare sb's life
饶富饒富rao2 fu4to be rich in (some quality or other)
饶平饒平Rao2 ping2Raoping county in Chaozhou 潮州[Chao2 zhou1], Guangdong
饶平县饒平縣Rao2 ping2 xian4Raoping county in Chaozhou 潮州[Chao2 zhou1], Guangdong
饶恕饒恕rao2 shu4to forgive/ to pardon/ to spare
饶有饒有rao2 you3full of (interest, humor, sentiment etc)
饶有兴趣饒有興趣rao2 you3 xing4 qu4engrossing




2021-05-05, 410👍, 0💬