
预 [yu4]


汉字:预 / 拼音:yu4

to advance/ in advance/ beforehand/ to prepare


出乎预料出乎預料chu1 hu1 yu4 liao4beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
勿谓言之不预勿謂言之不預wu4 wei4 yan2 zhi1 bu4 yu4(idiom) don't say you haven't been forewarned (threat used by the PRC in international diplomacy)
参预參預can1 yu4variant of 參與|参与[can1 yu4]
国防预算國防預算guo2 fang2 yu4 suan4defense budget
大学预科大學預科da4 xue2 yu4 ke1university preparatory course
天气预报天氣預報tian1 qi4 yu4 bao4weather forecast
干预干預gan1 yu4to meddle/ to intervene/ intervention
年度预算年度預算nian2 du4 yu4 suan4annual budget
有预谋有預謀you3 yu4 mou2premeditated
疾病预防中心疾病預防中心ji2 bing4 yu4 fang2 zhong1 xin1Center for Disease Control (US)
罗预羅預luo2 yu4(old) very short unit of time (loanword, from Sanskrit)
非预谋非預謀fei1 yu4 mou2unpremeditated
yu4to advance/ in advance/ beforehand/ to prepare
预付預付yu4 fu4to pay in advance/ prepaid
预估預估yu4 gu1to estimate/ to forecast/ prediction/ projection
预备預備yu4 bei4to prepare/ to make ready/ preparation/ preparatory
预备役军人預備役軍人yu4 bei4 yi4 jun1 ren2reserve troops
预备知识預備知識yu4 bei4 zhi1 shi5background knowledge/ prerequisite
预兆預兆yu4 zhao4omen/ sign (of sth yet to occur)/ prior indication/ to foreshadow
预先預先yu4 xian1beforehand/ in advance
预卜預卜yu4 bu3to foretell/ to predict
预告預告yu4 gao4to forecast/ to predict/ advance notice
预告片預告片yu4 gao4 pian4trailer (for a movie)
预售預售yu4 shou4advance sale/ to sell in advance/ to book
预报預報yu4 bao4forecast
预定預定yu4 ding4to schedule in advance
预定义預定義yu4 ding4 yi4predefined
预审預審yu4 shen3preliminary hearing/ interrogation (of a suspect)/ preliminary examination (of a project etc)
预后預後yu4 hou4prognosis
预想預想yu4 xiang3to anticipate/ to expect




2021-05-18, 375👍, 0💬