
革 [ge2]


汉字:革 / 拼音:ge2

animal hide/ leather/ to reform/ to remove/ to expel (from office)


中国国民党革命委员会中國國民黨革命委員會Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 min2 dang3 Ge2 ming4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang
二次革命二次革命er4 ci4 ge2 ming4second revolution/ campaign from 1913 of the provisional revolutionary government (under Sun Yat-sen and the Guomindang) against Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 and the Northern Warlords
光荣革命光榮革命Guang1 rong2 Ge2 ming4Glorious Revolution (England, 1688)
八宝山革命公墓八寶山革命公墓Ba1 bao3 Shan1 Ge2 ming4 Gong1 mu4Mt Babao Revolutionary Cemetery in Haidian district of Beijing
典型登革热典型登革熱dian3 xing2 deng1 ge2 re4dengue fever
出血性登革热出血性登革熱chu1 xue4 xing4 deng1 ge2 re4dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)
十月革命十月革命Shi2 yue4 Ge2 ming4October Revolution
反革命反革命fan3 ge2 ming4counterrevolutionary
反革命宣传煽动罪反革命宣傳煽動罪fan3 ge2 ming4 xuan1 chuan2 shan1 dong4 zui4the crime of instigating counterrevolutionary propaganda
四一二反革命政变四一二反革命政變si4 yi1 er4 fan3 ge2 ming4 zheng4 bian4counterrevolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai
国家发展和改革委员会國家發展和改革委員會Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 he2 Gai3 ge2 Wei3 yuan2 hui4PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), formed in 2003
国家发展改革委國家發展改革委Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 Gai3 ge2 Wei3PRC National Development and Reform Commission
国民革命军國民革命軍Guo2 min2 Ge2 ming4 jun1National Revolutionary Army
土地改革土地改革tu3 di4 gai3 ge2land reform
大马士革大馬士革Da4 ma3 shi4 ge2Damascus, capital of Syria
大马士革李大馬士革李Da4 ma3 shi4 ge2 li3damson (fruit)
宗教改革宗教改革Zong1 jiao4 Gai3 ge2(Protestant) Reformation
工业革命工業革命Gong1 ye4 Ge2 ming4Industrial Revolution, c. 1750-1830
改革改革gai3 ge2reform/ CL:次[ci4],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4]/ to reform
改革家改革家gai3 ge2 jia1reformer
改革派改革派gai3 ge2 pai4the reformist party
改革者改革者gai3 ge2 zhe3reformer
改革进程改革進程gai3 ge2 jin4 cheng2reform process
改革开放改革開放gai3 ge2 kai1 fang4to reform and open to the outside world/ refers to Deng Xiaoping's policies from around 1980
政治改革政治改革zheng4 zhi4 gai3 ge2political reform
文化大革命文化大革命Wen2 hua4 Da4 ge2 ming4Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
文字改革文字改革wen2 zi4 gai3 ge2reform of the writing system
文革文革Wen2 ge2Cultural Revolution (1966-76) (abbr. for 文化大革命[Wen2 hua4 Da4 ge2 ming4])
新民主主义革命新民主主義革命Xin1 Min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4 Ge2 ming4(Maoism) New Democracy (aka New Democratic Revolution)
历史沿革歷史沿革li4 shi3 yan2 ge2historical development/ background




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