阅 [yue4]
汉字:阅 / 拼音:yue4
阅 | |||
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异体 | 阅 閱 閲 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
借阅 | 借閱 | jie4 yue4 | to borrow books to read |
传阅 | 傳閱 | chuan2 yue4 | to read and pass on/ to pass on for perusal |
参阅 | 參閱 | can1 yue4 | to consult/ to refer to/ to read (instructions) |
定阅 | 定閱 | ding4 yue4 | variant of 訂閱|订阅[ding4 yue4] |
审阅 | 審閱 | shen3 yue4 | to review or peruse |
批阅 | 批閱 | pi1 yue4 | to read through to evaluate/ to referee |
披阅 | 披閱 | pi1 yue4 | to peruse/ to browse |
查阅 | 查閱 | cha2 yue4 | to consult/ to refer to/ to look sth up in a reference source |
校阅 | 校閱 | jiao4 yue4 | to check through (a document)/ to proofread/ to review (troops) |
检阅 | 檢閱 | jian3 yue4 | to inspect/ to review (troops etc)/ military review |
翻阅 | 翻閱 | fan1 yue4 | to thumb through/ to flip through (a book) |
聚合资讯订阅 | 聚合資訊訂閱 | ju4 he2 zi1 xun4 ding4 yue4 | RSS (news feeds) |
订阅 | 訂閱 | ding4 yue4 | subscription/ to subscribe to |
评阅 | 評閱 | ping2 yue4 | to read and appraise |
调阅 | 調閱 | diao4 yue4 | to access (a document)/ to consult |
阅 | 閱 | yue4 | to inspect/ to review/ to read/ to peruse/ to go through/ to experience |
阅世 | 閱世 | yue4 shi4 | to see the world |
阅兵 | 閱兵 | yue4 bing1 | to review troops/ military parade |
阅兵式 | 閱兵式 | yue4 bing1 shi4 | military parade |
阅卷 | 閱卷 | yue4 juan4 | to grade exam papers |
阅女无数 | 閱女無數 | yue4 nu:3 wu2 shu4 | (idiom) to have had relationships with many women |
阅微草堂笔记 | 閱微草堂筆記 | Yue4 wei1 Cao3 tang2 Bi3 ji4 | Notes on a Minutely Observed Thatched Hut by Ji Yun 紀昀|纪昀[Ji4 Yun2], novel of the supernatural/ The Thatched Study of Close Scrutiny |
阅历 | 閱歷 | yue4 li4 | to experience/ experience |
阅男无数 | 閱男無數 | yue4 nan2 wu2 shu4 | (idiom) to have had relationships with many men |
阅听人 | 閱聽人 | yue4 ting1 ren2 | audience (Tw) |
阅览 | 閱覽 | yue4 lan3 | to read |
阅览室 | 閱覽室 | yue4 lan3 shi4 | reading room/ CL:間|间[jian1] |
阅读 | 閱讀 | yue4 du2 | to read/ reading |
阅读器 | 閱讀器 | yue4 du2 qi4 | reader (software) |
阅读广度 | 閱讀廣度 | yue4 du2 guang3 du4 | reading span |
2021-05-16, 491👍, 0💬
简体:日蚀 / 繁体:日蚀 / 拼音:ri4 shi2
简体:副作用 / 繁体:副作用 / 拼音:fu4 zuo4 yong4
简体:丘八 / 繁体:丘八 / 拼音:qiu1 ba1
简体:劣汰 / 繁体:劣汰 / 拼音:lie4 tai4
简体:蔡甸 / 繁体:蔡甸 / 拼音:Cai4 dian4