
閒 [jian1 jian4 xian2]


汉字:閒 / 拼音:jian1 jian4 xian2

jiān variant of 間|间[jian1]
jiàn variant of 間|间[jian4]
xián idle/ unoccupied/ leisure


休闲休閒xiu1 xian2leisure/ relaxation/ not working/ idle/ to enjoy leisure/ to lie fallow
休闲裤休閒褲xiu1 xian2 ku4casual pants
休闲鞋休閒鞋xiu1 xian2 xie2leisure shoes
偷闲偷閒tou1 xian2to snatch a moment of leisure/ to take a break from work
吃闲饭吃閒飯chi1 xian2 fan4to live as a parasite/ doing nothing to earn one's keep
多管闲事多管閒事duo1 guan3 xian2 shi4meddling in other people's business
安闲安閒an1 xian2peaceful and carefree/ leisurely
安闲舒适安閒舒適an1 xian2 shu1 shi4leisurely and free (idiom)/ carefree and at ease
少管闲事少管閒事shao3 guan3 xian2 shi4Mind your own business!/ Don't interfere!
悠闲悠閒you1 xian2leisurely/ carefree/ relaxed
气定神闲氣定神閒qi4 ding4 shen2 xian2calm and composed (idiom)
消闲消閒xiao1 xian2to spend one's leisure time/ to idle away the time
消闲儿消閒兒xiao1 xian2 r5erhua variant of 消閒|消闲[xiao1 xian2]
清闲清閒qing1 xian2idle/ leisurely
空闲空閒kong4 xian2idle/ free time/ leisure/ unused (place)
等闲等閒deng3 xian2ordinary/ common/ unimportant/ idly/ for no reason
等闲之辈等閒之輩deng3 xian2 zhi1 bei4(in the negative) (not) to be trifled with
管闲事管閒事guan3 xian2 shi4to meddle/ to be a "nosy Parker"/ to be too inquisitive about other people's business
讲闲话講閒話jiang3 xian2 hua4to gossip/ to make unfavorable comments
赋闲賦閒fu4 xian2to stay idle at home/ to have resigned from office/ to be unemployed/ to have been fired/ to be on a sabbatical
jian1variant of 間|间[jian1]
jian4variant of 間|间[jian4]
xian2idle/ unoccupied/ leisure
闲人閒人xian2 ren2idle person/ idler/ unconcerned person
闲侃閒侃xian2 kan3to chat idly
闲来无事閒來無事xian2 lai2 wu2 shi4at leisure/ idle/ to have nothing to do
闲口閒口xian2 kou3idle talk
闲情閒情xian2 qing2leisurely frame of mind
闲情逸致閒情逸致xian2 qing2 yi4 zhi4leisurely and carefree mood
闲扯閒扯xian2 che3to chat/ idle talk




2021-05-02, 336👍, 0💬