
閃 [Shan3 shan3]


汉字:閃 / 拼音:Shan3 shan3

shǎn surname Shan
shǎn to dodge/ to duck out of the way/ to beat it/ shaken (by a fall)/ to sprain/ to pull a muscle/ lightning/ spark/ a flash/ to flash (across one's mind)/ to leave behind/ (Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine


一闪念一閃念yi1 shan3 nian4sudden idea/ flash of insight
一闪而过一閃而過yi1 shan3 er2 guo4to flash past/ to flit by
亮闪闪亮閃閃liang4 shan3 shan3bright
寒光闪闪寒光閃閃han2 guang1 shan3 shan3to glitter like frost and snow (idiom)
快闪快閃kuai4 shan3to depart as quick as a flash/ flash mob
快闪存储器快閃存儲器kuai4 shan3 cun2 chu3 qi4(computing) flash memory
快闪族快閃族kuai4 shan3 zu2flash mobbers
快闪记忆体快閃記憶體kuai4 shan3 ji4 yi4 ti3(computing) flash memory
快闪记忆体盘快閃記憶體盤kuai4 shan3 ji4 yi4 ti3 pan2(computing) flash drive/ thumb drive
快闪党快閃黨kuai4 shan3 dang3flash mobbers
忽闪忽閃hu1 shan3to glitter/ to gleam/ to sparkle/ to flash
扑闪撲閃pu1 shan3to wink/ to blink
放闪放閃fang4 shan3(coll.) (of a couple) to display affection in public or by posting photos on social media
普通角闪石普通角閃石pu3 tong1 jiao3 shan3 shi2hornblende (rock-forming mineral, type of amphibole)
东躲西闪東躲西閃dong1 duo3 xi1 shan3to dodge about
角闪石角閃石jiao3 shan3 shi2hornblende (rock-forming mineral, type of amphibole)
躲躲闪闪躲躲閃閃duo3 duo3 shan3 shan3to evade/ to dodge (out of the way)
躲闪躲閃duo3 shan3to evade/ to dodge (out of the way)
金光闪烁金光閃爍jin1 guang1 shan3 shuo4spangle
Shan3surname Shan
shan3to dodge/ to duck out of the way/ to beat it/ shaken (by a fall)/ to sprain/ to pull a muscle/ lightning/ spark/ a flash/ to flash (across one's mind)/ to leave behind/ (Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine
闪亮閃亮shan3 liang4brilliant/ shiny/ a flare/ to glisten/ to twinkle
闪亮儿閃亮兒shan3 liang4 r5erhua variant of 閃亮|闪亮[shan3 liang4]
闪人閃人shan3 ren2(coll.) to beat it/ to take French leave
闪光閃光shan3 guang1flash
闪光灯閃光燈shan3 guang1 deng1flash bulb (photography)
闪光胶閃光膠shan3 guang1 jiao1glitter glue
闪光点閃光點shan3 guang1 dian3lit. flash point/ crucial point/ essential point
闪出閃出shan3 chu1to flash/ to sparkle/ to appear suddenly
闪动閃動shan3 dong4to flicker or flash




2021-05-02, 489👍, 0💬