
鑿 [zao2]


汉字:鑿 / 拼音:zao2

záo chisel/ to bore a hole/ to chisel or dig/ (literary) (bound form) certain/ authentic/ irrefutable/ also pr. [zuo4]


圆凿方枘圓鑿方枘yuan2 zao2 fang1 rui4see 方枘圓鑿|方枘圆凿[fang1 rui4 yuan2 zao2]
妄生穿凿妄生穿鑿wang4 sheng1 chuan1 zao2a forced analogy (idiom); to jump to an unwarranted conclusion
方枘圆凿方枘圓鑿fang1 rui4 yuan2 zao2to put a square peg in a round hole/ incompatible (idiom)
枘凿枘鑿rui4 zuo4incompatible
榫凿榫鑿sun3 zao2mortise chisel
确凿確鑿que4 zao2definite/ conclusive/ undeniable/ authentic/ also pr. [que4 zuo4]
确凿不移確鑿不移que4 zao2 bu4 yi2established and irrefutable (idiom)
穿凿穿鑿chuan1 zao2to bore a hole/ to give a forced interpretation
穿凿附会穿鑿附會chuan1 zao2 fu4 hui4to make far-fetched claims (idiom)/ to offer outlandish explanations
zao2chisel/ to bore a hole/ to chisel or dig/ (literary) (bound form) certain/ authentic/ irrefutable/ also pr. [zuo4]
凿井鑿井zao2 jing3to dig a well
凿壁偷光鑿壁偷光zao2 bi4 tou1 guang1lit. to pierce the wall to steal a light (idiom)/ fig. to study diligently in the face of hardship
凿子鑿子zao2 zi3chisel
凿岩鑿岩zao2 yan2(rock) drilling
凿岩机鑿岩機zao2 yan2 ji1rock drill
凿枘鑿枘zao2 rui4to fit like mortise and tenon
凿沉鑿沉zao2 chen2to scuttle (a ship)
凿石场鑿石場zao2 shi2 chang3rock quarry
凿空鑿空zao2 kong1to open an aperture/ (extended meaning) to cut a way through/ to open up a road
开凿開鑿kai1 zao2to cut (a canal, tunnel, well etc)



2021-05-07, 452👍, 0💬