
键 [jian4]


汉字:键 / 拼音:jian4

jiàn key (on a piano or computer keyboard)/ button (on a mouse or other device)/ chemical bond/ linchpin


三键三鍵san1 jian4triple bond (chemistry)/ triple link
上箭头键上箭頭鍵shang4 jian4 tou2 jian4up arrow key (on keyboard)
下箭头键下箭頭鍵xia4 jian4 tou2 jian4down arrow key (on keyboard)
二硫键二硫鍵er4 liu2 jian4disulfide (chemistry)
以慎为键以慎為鍵yi3 shen4 wei2 jian4to take caution as the key (idiom); to proceed very carefully
价键價鍵jia4 jian4valence bond (chemistry)
共价键共價鍵gong4 jia4 jian4covalent bond (chemistry)
化学键化學鍵hua4 xue2 jian4chemical bond
右箭头键右箭頭鍵you4 jian4 tou2 jian4right arrow key (on keyboard)
单键單鍵dan1 jian4single bond (chemistry)
回车键回車鍵hui2 che1 jian4carriage return
大键琴大鍵琴da4 jian4 qin2a harpsichord
左箭头键左箭頭鍵zuo3 jian4 tou2 jian4left arrow key (on keyboard)
快捷键快捷鍵kuai4 jie2 jian4(computer) shortcut key/ hotkey
按键按鍵an4 jian4button or key (on a device)/ keystroke/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ to press a button
按键音按鍵音an4 jian4 yin1keypad tone/ key tone
氢键氫鍵qing1 jian4hydrogen bond
热键熱鍵re4 jian4hotkey/ keyboard shortcut
琴键琴鍵qin2 jian4a piano key
空格键空格鍵kong4 ge2 jian4space bar (keyboard)
箭头键箭頭鍵jian4 tou2 jian4arrow key (on keyboard)
肽键肽鍵tai4 jian4peptide bond CO-NH/ bond in protein between carboxyl radical and amino radical
色键色鍵se4 jian4chroma key/ bluescreen/ greenscreen (video editing)
退格键退格鍵tui4 ge2 jian4backspace (keyboard)
金属键金屬鍵jin1 shu3 jian4metallic bond
jian4key (on a piano or computer keyboard)/ button (on a mouse or other device)/ chemical bond/ linchpin
键入鍵入jian4 ru4to key in/ to input
键帽鍵帽jian4 mao4keycap
键槽鍵槽jian4 cao2key slot
键盘鍵盤jian4 pan2keyboard




2021-05-05, 373👍, 0💬