
銷 [xiao1]


汉字:銷 / 拼音:xiao1

xiāo to melt (metal)/ to cancel or annul/ to sell/ to spend/ to fasten with a bolt/ bolt or pin


一笔勾销一筆勾銷yi1 bi3 gou1 xiao1to write off at one stroke
不可撤销信用证不可撤銷信用證bu4 ke3 che4 xiao1 xin4 yong4 zheng4irrevocable letter of credit
主承销商主承銷商zhu3 cheng2 xiao1 shang1lead underwriter
主销主銷zhu3 xiao1kingpin (vehicle part)/ to focus one's marketing efforts on (a region, product etc)
代销代銷dai4 xiao1to sell as agent/ to sell on commission (e.g. insurance policies)/ proxy sale (of stocks)
代销店代銷店dai4 xiao1 dian4outlet/ commission shop/ agency
供销供銷gong1 xiao1supply and marketing/ distribution/ supply and sales
供销商供銷商gong1 xiao1 shang1distribution business/ supplier
促销促銷cu4 xiao1to promote sales
传销傳銷chuan2 xiao1multi-level marketing
倾销傾銷qing1 xiao1to dump (goods, products)
内销內銷nei4 xiao1to sell in the domestic market/ domestic market
分销分銷fen1 xiao1distribution/ retail store
分销商分銷商fen1 xiao1 shang1distributor
分销店分銷店fen1 xiao1 dian4retail store
分销网络分銷網絡fen1 xiao1 wang3 luo4distribution network
勾销勾銷gou1 xiao1to write off/ to cancel
包销包銷bao1 xiao1to have exclusive selling rights/ to be the sole agent for a production unit or firm
反倾销反傾銷fan3 qing1 xiao1anti-dumping
吊销吊銷diao4 xiao1to suspend (an agreement)/ to revoke
报销報銷bao4 xiao1to submit an expense account/ to apply for reimbursement/ to write off/ to wipe out
外销外銷wai4 xiao1to export/ to sell abroad
寄销寄銷ji4 xiao1to dispatch/ consigned (goods)
实报实销實報實銷shi2 bao4 shi2 xiao1to be reimbursed for actual expenses
展销展銷zhan3 xiao1to display and sell (e.g. at a fair)/ sales exhibition
展销会展銷會zhan3 xiao1 hui4trade fair/ sales exhibition
层压式推销層壓式推銷ceng2 ya1 shi4 tui1 xiao1pyramid scheme
市场营销市場營銷shi4 chang3 ying2 xiao1marketing
承销承銷cheng2 xiao1to underwrite (i.e. guarantee financing)/ underwriting/ to sell as agent/ consignee
承销人承銷人cheng2 xiao1 ren2sales agent/ salesman/ consignee/ underwriter




2021-04-20, 777👍, 0💬