
鄰 [lin2]


汉字:鄰 / 拼音:lin2

lín neighbor/ adjacent/ close to


一点邻域一點鄰域yi1 dian3 lin2 yu4(math.) neighborhood of a point
以邻为壑以鄰為壑yi3 lin2 wei2 he4to use one's neighbor as a drain/ to shift one's problems onto others (idiom)
四邻四鄰si4 lin2one's nearest neighbors
四邻八舍四鄰八捨si4 lin2 ba1 she4the whole neighborhood
地邻地鄰di4 lin2neighbor on farmland
天涯比邻天涯比鄰tian1 ya2 bi3 lin2see 天涯若比鄰|天涯若比邻[tian1 ya2 ruo4 bi3 lin2]
天涯若比邻天涯若比鄰tian1 ya2 ruo4 bi3 lin2far-flung realms as next door (idiom)/ close in spirit although far away
左邻右舍左鄰右舍zuo3 lin2 you4 she4neighbors/ next-door neighbors/ related work units/ colleagues doing related work
左邻右里左鄰右里zuo3 lin2 you4 li3see 左鄰右舍|左邻右舍[zuo3 lin2 you4 she4]
比邻比鄰bi3 lin2neighbor/ next-door neighbor/ near/ next to
毗邻毗鄰pi2 lin2bordering/ adjacent to
海内存知己,天涯若比邻海內存知己,天涯若比鄰hai3 nei4 cun2 zhi1 ji3 , tian1 ya2 ruo4 bi3 lin2close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door/ close in spirit although far away
卢照邻盧照鄰Lu2 Zhao4 lin2Lu Zhaolin (637-689), one of the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang 初唐四傑|初唐四杰[Chu1 Tang2 Si4 jie2]
相邻相鄰xiang1 lin2neighbor/ adjacent
睦邻睦鄰mu4 lin2neighborly relations
睦邻政策睦鄰政策mu4 lin2 zheng4 ce4good-neighbor policy
紧邻緊鄰jin3 lin2to be right next to/ close neighbor
街坊四邻街坊四鄰jie1 fang5 si4 lin2neighbors/ the whole neighborhood
街坊邻里街坊鄰里jie1 fang5 lin2 li3neighbors/ the whole neighborhood
亲睦邻邦親睦鄰邦qin1 mu4 lin2 bang1friendly neighboring countries/ to keep up good relations with neighboring countries
近邻近鄰jin4 lin2close neighbor
远亲不如近邻遠親不如近鄰yuan3 qin1 bu4 ru2 jin4 lin2A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor (idiom). Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers.
乡邻鄉鄰xiang1 lin2fellow villager
lin2neighbor/ adjacent/ close to
邻人鄰人lin2 ren2neighbor
邻佑鄰佑lin2 you4variant of 鄰右|邻右[lin2 you4]
邻区鄰區lin2 qu1neighborhood/ vicinity
邻右鄰右lin2 you4neighbor
邻国鄰國lin2 guo2bordering country/ neighbor country/ neighboring countries/ surrounding countries
邻域鄰域lin2 yu4(math.) neighborhood (in a topological space)




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