
返 [fan3]


汉字:返 / 拼音:fan3

fǎn to return (to)


一去不复返一去不復返yi1 qu4 bu4 fu4 fan3gone forever
回光返照回光返照hui2 guang1 fan3 zhao4final radiance of setting sun/ fig. dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)
回返回返hui2 fan3to return/ to go back/ to come back
往返往返wang3 fan3to go back and forth/ to go to and fro/ round trip
复返復返fu4 fan3to come back/ to return
折返折返zhe2 fan3to turn back
归真返璞歸真返璞gui1 zhen1 fan3 pu2see 返璞歸真|返璞归真[fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1]
流连忘返流連忘返liu2 lian2 wang4 fan3to linger/ to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home
无功而返無功而返wu2 gong1 er2 fan3to return without any achievement (idiom); to go home with one's tail between one's legs
积重难返積重難返ji1 zhong4 nan2 fan3ingrained habits are hard to overcome (idiom); bad old practices die hard
fan3to return (to)
返利返利fan3 li4dealer incentive/ sales bonus/ rebate
返券黄牛返券黃牛fan3 quan4 huang2 niu2"shopping coupon scalper", sb who sells unwanted or returned shopping coupons to others for a profit
返回返回fan3 hui2to return to/ to come (or go) back
返国返國fan3 guo2to return to one's country
返家返家fan3 jia1to return home
返岗返崗fan3 gang3to resume one's former position/ to return to work
返工返工fan3 gong1to do poorly done work over again/ (Guangdong dialect) to go to work
返校返校fan3 xiao4to return to school
返港返港fan3 Gang3to return to Hong Kong
返潮返潮fan3 chao2(of clothing, furniture, walls etc) to get damp (by absorbing moisture from the air or the ground)
返璞归真返璞歸真fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1to return to one's true self/ to regain the natural state
返祖现象返祖現象fan3 zu3 xian4 xiang4atavism (biology)
返程返程fan3 cheng2return journey (e.g. home)
返老还童返老還童fan3 lao3 huan2 tong2to recover one's youthful vigor/ to feel rejuvenated (idiom)
返台返臺fan3 Tai2to return to Taiwan
返航返航fan3 hang2to return to the point of departure
返还返還fan3 huan2restitution/ return of something to its original owner/ remittance
返还占有返還占有fan3 huan2 zhan4 you3repossession
返乡返鄉fan3 xiang1to return to one's home town




2021-05-03, 473👍, 0💬