
轉 [zhuai3 zhuan3 zhuan4]


汉字:轉 / 拼音:zhuai3 zhuan3 zhuan4

zhuǎi see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
zhuǎn to turn/ to change direction/ to transfer/ to forward (mail)
zhuàn to revolve/ to turn/ to circle about/ to walk about/ classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm/ classifier for repeated actions


U形转弯U形轉彎U xing2 zhuan3 wan1U-turn
一转眼一轉眼yi1 zhuan3 yan3in a wink
不可逆转不可逆轉bu4 ke3 ni4 zhuan3irreversible
中转中轉zhong1 zhuan3to change (train or plane)/ transfer/ correspondence
中转柜台中轉櫃檯zhong1 zhuan3 gui4 tai2transfer desk/ correspondence desk
中转站中轉站zhong1 zhuan3 zhan4hub (network equipment)
二人转二人轉er4 ren2 zhuan4genre of song-and-dance duet popular in northeast China
倒转倒轉dao4 zhuan3to make an about-turn/ to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc/ to turn things on their head
偏转偏轉pian1 zhuan3deflection (physics)/ deviation (away from a straight line)
偏转角偏轉角pian1 zhuan3 jiao3angle of drift (navigation)/ deflection (from course)/ angle of divergence
公转公轉gong1 zhuan4orbital revolution
再转复再轉復zai4 zhuan3 fu4to transfer again
刚体转动剛體轉動gang1 ti3 zhuan3 dong4rigid rotation
十字转门十字轉門shi2 zi4 zhuan4 men2turnstile
反转反轉fan3 zhuan3reversal/ inversion/ to reverse/ to invert (upside down, inside out, back to front, white to black etc)
反转录反轉錄fan3 zhuan3 lu4(molecular biology) reverse transcription
反转录病毒反轉錄病毒fan3 zhuan3 lu4 bing4 du2retrovirus
可转债可轉債ke3 zhuan3 zhai4convertible debt/ convertible bond
可转换同位素可轉換同位素ke3 zhuan3 huan4 tong2 wei4 su4fertile isotope
可转让可轉讓ke3 zhuan3 rang4transferable/ negotiable
可转让证券可轉讓證券ke3 zhuan3 rang4 zheng4 quan4negotiable securities
右转右轉you4 zhuan3to turn right
周转周轉zhou1 zhuan3to rotate/ to circulate (cash, stock etc)/ turnover/ circulation/ cash flow
周转不开周轉不開zhou1 zhuan3 bu4 kai1to have financial difficulties/ unable to make ends meet
周转不灵周轉不靈zhou1 zhuan3 bu4 ling2to have a cash flow problem
周转金周轉金zhou1 zhuan3 jin1revolving fund/ working capital/ petty cash/ turnover
回心转意回心轉意hui2 xin1 zhuan3 yi4to change one's mind (idiom)
回转回轉hui2 zhuan3to rotate/ to turn round/ slalom
团团转團團轉tuan2 tuan2 zhuan4to go round and round/ running around in circles/ fig. frantically busy
土耳其旋转烤肉土耳其旋轉烤肉Tu3 er3 qi2 xuan2 zhuan3 kao3 rou4Turkish döner kebab




2021-05-02, 454👍, 0💬