
辑 [ji2]


汉字:辑 / 拼音:ji2

to gather up/ to collect/ to edit/ to compile


出辑出輯chu1 ji2to release an album (of a musician)
剪辑剪輯jian3 ji2to edit (video images, film)
合辑合輯he2 ji2compilation/ compilation album
命题逻辑命題邏輯ming4 ti2 luo2 ji5propositional logic
图辑圖輯tu2 ji2slide show/ photo gallery (on website)
专辑專輯zhuan1 ji2album/ record (music)/ special collection of printed or broadcast material
数理逻辑數理邏輯shu4 li3 luo2 ji2mathematical logic/ symbolic logic
文本编辑器文本編輯器wen2 ben3 bian1 ji2 qi4text editor
模糊逻辑模糊邏輯mo2 hu5 luo2 ji5fuzzy logic
特辑特輯te4 ji2special collection/ special issue/ album
科学编辑科學編輯ke1 xue2 bian1 ji2science editor (of a publication)
编辑編輯bian1 ji2to edit/ to compile/ editor/ compiler
编辑器編輯器bian1 ji2 qi4editor (software)
编辑室編輯室bian1 ji2 shi4editorial office
编辑家編輯家bian1 ji2 jia1editor/ compiler
总编辑總編輯zong3 bian1 ji2chief editor (of newspaper)
美术编辑美術編輯mei3 shu4 bian1 ji2(publishing) layout and graphics/ graphic design/ art editor/ graphic designer
词项逻辑詞項邏輯ci2 xiang4 luo2 ji5categorical logic
责任编辑責任編輯ze2 ren4 bian1 ji2editor in charge
ji2to gather up/ to collect/ to edit/ to compile
辑睦輯睦ji2 mu4tranquil/ harmonious
辑穆輯穆ji2 mu4variant of 輯睦|辑睦[ji2 mu4]
辑录輯錄ji2 lu4to compile/ to collect
辑集輯集ji2 ji2to anthologize
逻辑邏輯luo2 ji5logic (loanword)
逻辑学邏輯學luo2 ji5 xue2logic
逻辑演算邏輯演算luo2 ji5 yan3 suan4logical calculation
逻辑炸弹邏輯炸彈luo2 ji2 zha4 dan4logic bomb
逻辑错误邏輯錯誤luo2 ji5 cuo4 wu4logical error
逻辑链路控制邏輯鏈路控制luo2 ji5 lian4 lu4 kong4 zhi4logical link control/ LLC



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