
趕 [gan3]


汉字:趕 / 拼音:gan3

gǎn to overtake/ to catch up with/ to hurry/ to rush/ to try to catch (the bus etc)/ to drive (cattle etc) forward/ to drive (sb) away/ to avail oneself of (an opportunity)/ until


你追我赶你追我趕ni3 zhui1 wo3 gan3friendly one-upmanship/ to try to emulate
吃屎都赶不上热乎的吃屎都趕不上熱乎的chi1 shi3 dou1 gan3 bu5 shang4 re4 hu5 de5lit. if you were eating warm shit, it'd be stone cold by the time you finished it (idiom)/ fig. (of a person) too slow/ can't keep up
流星赶月流星趕月liu2 xing1 gan3 yue4lit. a meteor catching up with the moon/ swift action (idiom)
gan3to overtake/ to catch up with/ to hurry/ to rush/ to try to catch (the bus etc)/ to drive (cattle etc) forward/ to drive (sb) away/ to avail oneself of (an opportunity)/ until
赶上趕上gan3 shang4to keep up with/ to catch up with/ to overtake/ to chance upon/ in time for
赶不上趕不上gan3 bu4 shang4can't keep up with/ can't catch up with/ cannot overtake
赶不及趕不及gan3 bu4 ji2not enough time (to do sth)/ too late (to do sth)
赶来趕來gan3 lai2to rush over
赶出趕出gan3 chu1to drive away
赶到趕到gan3 dao4to hurry (to some place)
赶前不赶后趕前不趕後gan3 qian2 bu4 gan3 hou4it's better to hurry at the start than to rush later (idiom)
赶工趕工gan3 gong1to work against the clock/ to hurry with work to get it done in time
赶往趕往gan3 wang3to hurry to (somewhere)
赶得及趕得及gan3 de2 ji2there is still time (to do sth)/ to be able to do sth in time/ to be able to make it
赶忙趕忙gan3 mang2to hurry/ to hasten/ to make haste
赶快趕快gan3 kuai4at once/ immediately
赶早趕早gan3 zao3as soon as possible/ at the first opportunity/ the sooner the better/ before it's too late
赶明儿趕明兒gan3 ming2 r5(coll.) some day/ one of these days
赶时髦趕時髦gan3 shi2 mao2to keep up with the latest fashion
赶浪头趕浪頭gan3 lang4 tou5to follow the trend
赶尽杀绝趕盡殺絕gan3 jin4 sha1 jue2to kill to the last one (idiom)/ to exterminate/ to eradicate/ ruthless
赶紧趕緊gan3 jin3hurriedly/ without delay
赶羊趕羊gan3 yang2to drive sheep/ to herd sheep
赶考趕考gan3 kao3to go and take an imperial examination
赶脚趕腳gan3 jiao3to work as a carter or porter/ to transport goods for a living (esp. by donkey)
赶英超美趕英超美gan3 Ying1 chao1 Mei3to catch up with England and surpass the USA (economic goal)
赶走趕走gan3 zou3to drive out/ to turn back
赶赴趕赴gan3 fu4to hurry/ to rush
赶超趕超gan3 chao1to overtake
赶跑趕跑gan3 pao3to drive away/ to force out/ to repel




2021-05-23, 450👍, 0💬