
谎 [huang3]


汉字:谎 / 拼音:huang3

huǎng lies/ to lie


一派谎言一派謊言yi1 pai4 huang3 yan2a pack of lies
善意的谎言善意的謊言shan4 yi4 de5 huang3 yan2white lie
圆谎圓謊yuan2 huang3to patch up one's lie (when inconsistencies appear)/ to cover (for sb who has lied)
小谎小謊xiao3 huang3fib
弥天大谎彌天大謊mi2 tian1 da4 huang3a pack of lies (idiom)
扯谎扯謊che3 huang3to tell a lie
撒谎撒謊sa1 huang3to tell lies
测谎仪測謊儀ce4 huang3 yi2lie detector/ polygraph
测谎器測謊器ce4 huang3 qi4lie detector/ polygraph
满口谎言滿口謊言man3 kou3 huang3 yan2to pour out lies
瞒天大谎瞞天大謊man2 tian1 da4 huang3enormous lie/ whopper
虚谎虛謊xu1 huang3false
要谎要謊yao4 huang3to ask an enormous price (as first negotiating step)
说谎說謊shuo1 huang3to lie/ to tell an untruth
说谎者說謊者shuo1 huang3 zhe3liar
huang3lies/ to lie
谎价謊價huang3 jia4inflated price/ exorbitant price
谎报謊報huang3 bao4to lie
谎称謊稱huang3 cheng1to claim/ to pretend
谎言謊言huang3 yan2lie
谎话謊話huang3 hua4lie



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