
說 [shui4 shuo1]


汉字:說 / 拼音:shui4 shuo1

shuì to persuade
shuō to speak/ to say/ to explain/ to scold/ to tell off/ a theory (typically the last character in a compound, as in 日心說|日心说 heliocentric theory)


一家人不说两家话一家人不說兩家話yi1 jia1 ren2 bu4 shuo1 liang3 jia1 hua4lit. family members speak frankly with one another, not courteously, as if they were from two different families (idiom)/ fig. people don't need to be deferential when they ask a family member for help/ people from the same family should stick together (and good friends likewise)
一般来说一般來說yi1 ban1 lai2 shuo1generally speaking
一般说来一般說來yi1 ban1 shuo1 lai2generally speaking/ in general
一说一說yi1 shuo1an expression of opinion/ according to some
一部二十四史,不知从何说起一部二十四史,不知從何說起yi1 bu4 er4 shi2 si4 shi3 , bu4 zhi1 cong2 he2 shuo1 qi3It's a long and intricate story, I hardly know where to start.
不好说不好說bu4 hao3 shuo1hard to say/ unpleasant to say/ can't be sure
不待说不待說bu4 dai4 shuo1needless to say/ it goes without saying
不用说不用說bu4 yong4 shuo1needless to say/ it goes without saying
不由分说不由分說bu4 you2 fen1 shuo1to allow no explanation
不说自明不說自明bu4 shuo1 zi4 ming2self-explanatory/ self-evident (idiom)
且不说且不說qie3 bu4 shuo1not to mention/ leaving aside
且说且說qie3 shuo1thus
世说新语世說新語Shi4 shuo1 Xin1 yu3A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆[Liu2 Yi4 qing4]
中国小说史略中國小說史略Zhong1 guo2 Xiao3 shuo1 Shi3 lu:e4Concise History of the Chinese Novel by Lu Xun 鲁迅
中篇小说中篇小說zhong1 pian1 xiao3 shuo1novella
也就是说也就是說ye3 jiu4 shi4 shuo1in other words/ that is to say/ so/ thus
乱说亂說luan4 shuo1to talk drivel/ to make irresponsible remarks
二话不说二話不說er4 hua4 bu4 shuo1not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection/ without demur
二话没说二話沒說er4 hua4 mei2 shuo1see 二話不說|二话不说[er4 hua4 bu4 shuo1]
什么好说什麼好說shen2 me5 hao3 shuo1sth pertinent to say
但说无妨但說無妨dan4 shuo1 wu2 fang2there is no harm in saying what one thinks (idiom)
俗话说俗話說su2 hua4 shuo1as the proverb says/ as they say...
信口胡说信口胡說xin4 kou3 hu2 shuo1to speak without thinking/ to blurt sth out
假说假說jia3 shuo1hypothesis
傅说傅說Fu4 Shuo1Fu Shuo (c. 14th century BC), legendary sage and principal minister of Shang ruler Wu Ding
传说傳說chuan2 shuo1legend/ folklore/ to repeat from mouth to mouth/ they say that...
光说不做光說不做guang1 shuo1 bu4 zuo4all talk and no action (idiom)/ to preach what one does not practice
光说不练光說不練guang1 shuo1 bu4 lian4all talk and no action (idiom)/ to preach what one does not practice/ same as 光說不做|光说不做[guang1 shuo1 bu4 zuo4]
公说公有理,婆说婆有理公說公有理,婆說婆有理gong1 shuo1 gong1 you3 li3 , po2 shuo1 po2 you3 li3both sides claim they're right (idiom)
具体说明具體說明ju4 ti3 shuo1 ming2explicit explanation/ to specify




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