
衬 [chen4]


汉字:衬 / 拼音:chen4

chèn (of garments) against the skin/ to line/ lining/ to contrast with/ to assist financially


内衬內襯nei4 chen4lining (of a container etc) (engineering)
女衬衫女襯衫nu:3 chen4 shan1blouse
对衬對襯dui4 chen4to serve as foil to one another
帮衬幫襯bang1 chen4to help/ to assist financially
映衬映襯ying4 chen4to set off by contrast/ antithesis/ analogy parallelism (linguistics)
烘衬烘襯hong1 chen4to set off/ to highlight by contrast
相衬相襯xiang1 chen4to contrast/ to set off one another/ to go well with
chen4(of garments) against the skin/ to line/ lining/ to contrast with/ to assist financially
衬垫襯墊chen4 dian4pad
衬托襯托chen4 tuo1to set off
衬线襯線chen4 xian4serif (typography)
衬衣襯衣chen4 yi1shirt/ CL:件[jian4]
衬衫襯衫chen4 shan1shirt/ blouse/ CL:件[jian4]
衬裙襯裙chen4 qun2petticoat
衬里襯裡chen4 li3lining
衬裤襯褲chen4 ku4underpants
铺衬鋪襯pu1 chen5patch of cloth
陪衬陪襯pei2 chen4to enhance by contrast/ to set off/ to serve as a background in order to bring out the subject with greater brilliance/ to serve as a prop/ a foil



2021-05-28, 386👍, 0💬