
号 [hao2 hao4]


汉字:号 / 拼音:hao2 hao4

háo roar/ cry/ CL:個|个[ge4]
hào ordinal number/ day of a month/ mark/ sign/ business establishment/ size/ ship suffix/ horn (wind instrument)/ bugle call/ assumed name/ to take a pulse/ classifier used to indicate number of people


一号一號yi1 hao4first day of the month/ toilet/ (slang) top (in a homosexual relationship)
一号木杆一號木桿yi1 hao4 mu4 gan1driver (golf)
一号电池一號電池yi1 hao4 dian4 chi2D size battery
七号电池七號電池qi1 hao4 dian4 chi2AAA battery (PRC)/ Taiwan equivalent: 四號電池|四号电池
三号木杆三號木桿san1 hao4 mu4 gan1spoon (golf)
三号电池三號電池san1 hao4 dian4 chi2C size battery (PRC)/ AA battery (Taiwan)/ see 二號電池|二号电池 (C battery in Taiwan) and 五號電池|五号电池 (AA battery in PRC)
上一号上一號shang4 yi1 hao4(coll.) to go pee/ to go to the bathroom
不等号不等號bu4 deng3 hao4inequality sign (≠, < , ≤, >, ≥)
中括号中括號zhong1 kuo4 hao4square brackets [ ] (math.)
中号中號zhong1 hao4medium-sized
串号串號chuan4 hao4identification number/ IMEI
乘号乘號cheng2 hao4multiplication sign (math.)
九号球九號球jiu3 hao4 qiu2nine-ball (billiards game)
干号乾號gan1 hao2to cry out loud without tears
二号二號er4 hao42nd day of the month
二号人物二號人物er4 hao4 ren2 wu4second best person/ second-rate person
二号电池二號電池er4 hao4 dian4 chi2C size battery (Tw)/ PRC equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池
五号五號wu3 hao4the fifth/ fifth day of a month
五号电池五號電池wu3 hao4 dian4 chi2AA battery (PRC)/ Taiwan equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池
井号井號jing3 hao4number sign # (punctuation)/ hash symbol/ pound sign
亚符号模型亞符號模型ya4 fu2 hao4 mo2 xing2subsymbolic model
亚罗号亞羅號Ya4 luo2 Hao4the Arrow (a Hong Kong registered ship involved in historical incident in 1856 used as pretext for the second Opium War)
亚罗号事件亞羅號事件Ya4 luo2 Hao4 Shi4 jian4the Arrow Incident of 1856 (used as pretext for the second Opium War)
代字号代字號dai4 zi4 hao4swung dash/ tilde (~)
代号代號dai4 hao4code name
伴侣号伴侶號Ban4 lu:3 Hao4HMS Consort, Royal Navy destroyer involved in 1949 Amethyst incident on Changjiang
低音大号低音大號di1 yin1 da4 hao4bass tuba/ euphonium
佛号佛號fo2 hao4one of the many names of Buddha
信号信號xin4 hao4signal
信号灯信號燈xin4 hao4 deng1signal light/ car indicator




2021-04-30, 577👍, 0💬