
蕭 [Xiao1 xiao1]


汉字:蕭 / 拼音:Xiao1 xiao1

xiāo surname Xiao
xiāo miserable/ desolate/ dreary/ Chinese mugwort


四壁萧然四壁蕭然si4 bi4 xiao1 ran2four bare walls
大萧条大蕭條Da4 Xiao1 tiao2the Great Depression (1929-c. 1939)
成也萧何,败也萧何成也蕭何,敗也蕭何cheng2 ye3 Xiao1 He2 , bai4 ye3 Xiao1 He2lit. raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He (idiom), alluding to Han Xin 韓信|韩信[Han2 Xin4] being made Grand General 大將軍|大将军[da4 jiang1 jun1]/ fig. a situation where one's success and failure are both due to the same factor
排萧排蕭pai2 xiao1panpipe
经济萧条經濟蕭條jing1 ji4 xiao1 tiao2economic depression
Xiao1surname Xiao
xiao1miserable/ desolate/ dreary/ Chinese mugwort
萧一山蕭一山Xiao1 Yi1 shan1Xiao Yishan (1902-1978), Modern historian of the Qing dynasty
萧乾蕭乾Xiao1 Qian2Xiao Qian (1910-1999), Mongolian-born, Cambridge-educated journalist active during Second World War in Europe, subsequently famous author and translator
萧伯纳蕭伯納Xiao1 bo2 na4George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish dramatist and writer
萧何蕭何Xiao1 He2Xiao He (-193 BC), famous strategist and chancellor, fought on Liu Bang's 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] side during the Chu-Han Contention 楚漢戰爭|楚汉战争[Chu3 Han4 Zhan4 zheng1]
萧子显蕭子顯Xiao1 Zi3 xian3Xiao Zixian (487-537), writer and historian of Liang of Southern Dynasties, compiler of History of Qi of the Southern dynasties 南齊書|南齐书[Nan2 Qi2 shu1]
萧山蕭山Xiao1 shan1Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang
萧山区蕭山區Xiao1 shan1 qu1Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang
萧梁蕭梁Xiao1 Liang2Liang of the Southern dynasties (502-557)
萧条蕭條xiao1 tiao2bleak/ desolate/ (economic) depression or slump
萧洒蕭灑xiao1 sa3variant of 瀟灑|潇洒[xiao1 sa3]
萧然蕭然xiao1 ran2desolate/ empty
萧墙蕭牆xiao1 qiang2(literary) screen wall shielding an entrance in traditional Chinese architecture
萧瑟蕭瑟xiao1 se4to rustle in the air/ to rustle/ to sough/ bleak/ desolate/ chilly
萧红蕭紅Xiao1 Hong2Xiao Hong (1911-1942), prominent woman writer, originally from Heilongjiang
萧索蕭索xiao1 suo3bleak/ desolate/ melancholy
萧县蕭縣Xiao1 xian4Xiao county in Suzhou 宿州[Su4 zhou1], Anhui
萧万长蕭萬長Xiao1 Wan4 chang2Vincent C. Siew (1939-), Taiwanese diplomat and Kuomintang politician, prime minister 1997-2000, vice president 2008-2012
萧规曹随蕭規曹隨Xiao1 gui1 Cao2 sui2lit. Xiao's 蕭何|萧何[Xiao1 He2] governance followed by Cao 曹參|曹参[Cao2 Can1] (idiom)/ fig. to strictly adhere to the policies of the predecessor/ to follow precedent
萧邦蕭邦Xiao1 bang1(Tw) Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), Polish pianist and composer



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