
荼 [tu2]


汉字:荼 / 拼音:tu2

thistle/ common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus)/ bitter (taste)/ cruel/ flowering grass in profusion


如火如荼如火如荼ru2 huo3 ru2 tu2like wildfire (idiom)/ unstoppable
曼荼罗曼荼羅man4 tu2 luo2mandala (loan, Buddhism)
秋荼密网秋荼密網qiu1 tu2 mi4 wang3flowering autumn grass, fine net (idiom); fig. abundant and exacting punishments prescribed by law
tu2thistle/ common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus)/ bitter (taste)/ cruel/ flowering grass in profusion
荼毒荼毒tu2 du2torment/ cruelty/ great suffering
荼毒生灵荼毒生靈tu2 du2 sheng1 ling2to torment the people (idiom)
达罗毗荼達羅毗荼Da2 luo2 pi2 tu2Dravidian (general term for South Indian people and languages)
食荼卧棘食荼臥棘shi2 tu2 wo4 ji2to eat bitter fruit and lie on thorns (idiom); to share the hard life of the common people



2021-05-22, 367👍, 0💬