
茶 [cha2]


汉字:茶 / 拼音:cha2

chá tea/ tea plant/ CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]


三茶六饭三茶六飯san1 cha2 liu4 fan4lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes/ to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom)
下午茶下午茶xia4 wu3 cha2afternoon tea (light afternoon meal, typically pastries with tea or coffee)
人走茶凉人走茶涼ren2 zou3 cha2 liang2lit. when people leave, the tea cools (idiom)/ fig. when sb is no longer in a position of power, others cease to care about him
儿茶素兒茶素er2 cha2 su4catechin (biochemistry)
功夫茶功夫茶gong1 fu5 cha2very concentrated type of tea drunk in Chaozhou, Fujian and Taiwan
南非茶南非茶Nan2 fei1 cha2rooibos tea
博士茶博士茶bo2 shi4 cha2rooibos tea
品茶品茶pin3 cha2to taste tea/ to sip tea
喝茶喝茶he1 cha2to drink tea/ to get engaged/ to have a serious conversation/ (fig.) to have a meeting with state security agents (to be warned to behave "responsibly")
奶茶奶茶nai3 cha2milk tea
山茶山茶shan1 cha2camellia
山茶花山茶花shan1 cha2 hua1camellia
工夫茶工夫茶gong1 fu5 cha2very concentrated type of tea consumed in Chaozhou, Fujian and Taiwan/ variant of 功夫茶[gong1 fu5 cha2]
抹茶抹茶mo3 cha2green tea powder (Japanese: matcha)
拉茶拉茶la1 cha2teh tarik, an Indian-style tea with milk (GM)
敬茶敬茶jing4 cha2to serve tea (to guests)
早茶早茶zao3 cha2morning tea
春茶春茶chun1 cha2tea leaves gathered at springtime or the tea made from these leaves
普洱茶普洱茶Pu3 er3 cha2Pu'er tea from the Pu'er region of Yunnan
末茶末茶mo4 cha2tea powder (matcha)
柴米油盐酱醋茶柴米油鹽醬醋茶chai2 mi3 you2 yan2 jiang4 cu4 cha2lit. firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, and tea/ fig. life's daily necessities
格雷伯爵茶格雷伯爵茶Ge2 lei2 Bo2 jue2 cha2Earl Grey tea
柠檬茶檸檬茶ning2 meng2 cha2lemon tea
残茶剩饭殘茶剩飯can2 cha2 sheng4 fan4spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); remains after a meal/ crumbs from the feast
毛茶毛茶mao2 cha2unprocessed sun-dried tea leaves used to make black or green tea
沙茶沙茶sha1 cha2satay (spicy peanut sauce), also spelled sate
沱茶沱茶tuo2 cha2a cake of tea, commonly Pu'er tea 普洱茶[Pu3 er3 cha2], compacted into a bowl or nest shape/ dome shaped tea-brick/ caked tea
泡茶泡茶pao4 cha2to make tea
波霸奶茶波霸奶茶bo1 ba4 nai3 cha2bubble milk tea (Tw)/ Boba milk tea/ tapioca milk tea/ see also 珍珠奶茶[zhen1 zhu1 nai3 cha2]
凉茶涼茶liang2 cha2Chinese herb tea




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