
聰 [cong1]


汉字:聰 / 拼音:cong1

cōng quick at hearing/ wise/ clever/ sharp-witted/ intelligent/ acute


事后聪明事後聰明shi4 hou4 cong1 ming5wise after the event (idiom); with hindsight, one should have predicted it
冰雪聪明冰雪聰明bing1 xue3 cong1 ming5exceptionally intelligent (idiom)
失聪失聰shi1 cong1to go deaf/ to lose hearing
小聪明小聰明xiao3 cong1 ming5clever-clever/ clever in trivial matters/ sharp but petty-minded
机关算尽太聪明,反算了卿卿性命機關算盡太聰明,反算了卿卿性命ji1 guan1 suan4 jin4 tai4 cong1 ming5 , fan3 suan4 le5 qing1 qing1 xing4 ming4if one is too calculating, it will be the cause of one's own undoing (famous line in "A Dream of Red Mansions" 紅樓夢|红楼梦[Hong2 lou2 Meng4])
绝顶聪明絕頂聰明jue2 ding3 cong1 ming5extremely bright (idiom)
耍小聪明耍小聰明shua3 xiao3 cong1 ming5to get smart/ to resort to petty tricks
耳聪目明耳聰目明er3 cong1 mu4 ming2sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom)/ keen and alert/ perceptive
cong1quick at hearing/ wise/ clever/ sharp-witted/ intelligent/ acute
聪慧聰慧cong1 hui4bright/ witty/ intelligent
聪敏聰敏cong1 min3quick/ bright/ intelligent/ clever/ brilliant
聪明聰明cong1 ming5intelligent/ clever/ bright/ smart/ acute (of sight and hearing)
聪明一世,懵懂一时聰明一世,懵懂一時cong1 ming5 yi1 shi4 , meng3 dong3 yi1 shi2see 聰明一世,糊塗一時|聪明一世,糊涂一时[cong1 ming5 yi1 shi4 , hu2 tu5 yi1 shi2]
聪明一世,糊涂一时聰明一世,糊塗一時cong1 ming5 yi1 shi4 , hu2 tu5 yi1 shi2even the wisest can have a momentary lapse in judgment (idiom)/ every man has a fool in his sleeve
聪明伶俐聰明伶俐cong1 ming5 ling2 li4clever and quick-witted
聪明反被聪明误聰明反被聰明誤cong1 ming2 fan3 bei4 cong1 ming2 wu4a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself/ too smart for one's own good
聪明才智聰明才智cong1 ming5 cai2 zhi4intelligence and wisdom
聪明绝顶聰明絕頂cong1 ming5 jue2 ding3highly intelligent (idiom)
聪明过头聰明過頭cong1 ming5 guo4 tou2too clever by half/ excessive ingenuity
聪颖聰穎cong1 ying3smart/ intelligent
自作聪明自作聰明zi4 zuo4 cong1 ming2to think oneself clever (idiom)



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