
耐 [nai4]


汉字:耐 / 拼音:nai4

nài (bound form) to bear/ to endure/ to withstand


不耐受不耐受bu4 nai4 shou4intolerance (for lactose, gluten or other foods)
不耐烦不耐煩bu4 nai4 fan2impatient/ to lose patience
乳糖不耐症乳糖不耐症ru3 tang2 bu4 nai4 zheng4lactose intolerance
交叉耐药性交叉耐藥性jiao1 cha1 nai4 yao4 xing4cross-tolerance
俗不可耐俗不可耐su2 bu4 ke3 nai4intolerably vulgar
刻苦耐劳刻苦耐勞ke4 ku3 nai4 lao2to bear hardships and work hard (idiom); assiduous and long-suffering/ hard-working and capable of overcoming adversity
勤俭耐劳勤儉耐勞qin2 jian3 nai4 lao2diligent and able to endure hardship (idiom)
吃苦耐劳吃苦耐勞chi1 ku3 nai4 lao2hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom)
忍耐忍耐ren3 nai4to endure/ to bear with/ to exercise patience/ to restrain oneself/ patience/ endurance
忍耐力忍耐力ren3 nai4 li4patience/ fortitude
急不可耐急不可耐ji2 bu4 ke3 nai4unable to wait
抗耐甲氧西林金葡菌抗耐甲氧西林金葡菌kang4 nai4 jia3 yang3 xi1 lin2 jin1 pu2 jun1methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
施耐庵施耐庵Shi1 Nai4 an1Shi Nai'an (1296-1371), author of Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4]
有耐久力有耐久力you3 nai4 jiu3 li4durable
活得不耐烦活得不耐煩huo2 de5 bu4 nai4 fan2to be tired of living/ (coll.) to be asking for trouble
渴不可耐渴不可耐ke3 bu4 ke3 nai4to be so thirsty as to no longer be able to tolerate it
美耐板美耐板mei3 nai4 ban3melamine veneer (loanword)
美耐皿美耐皿mai3 nai4 min3melamine (loanword) (Tw)
nai4(bound form) to bear/ to endure/ to withstand
耐久耐久nai4 jiu3durable/ long-lasting
耐人寻味耐人尋味nai4 ren2 xun2 wei4thought-provoking/ worth thinking over/ to provide food for thought
耐克耐克Nai4 ke4Nike, Inc.
耐力耐力nai4 li4endurance
耐劳耐勞nai4 lao2hardy/ able to resist hardship
耐受耐受nai4 shou4to tolerate/ endurance
耐受力耐受力nai4 shou4 li4tolerance/ ability to survive/ hardiness
耐受性耐受性nai4 shou4 xing4tolerance (to heat, acid etc)/ resistance
耐寒耐寒nai4 han2coldproof/ resistant to cold
耐心耐心nai4 xin1to be patient/ patience
耐心帮助耐心幫助nai4 xin1 bang1 zhu4forbearance/ tolerance/ patient help




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