
繼 [ji4]


汉字:繼 / 拼音:ji4

to continue/ to follow after/ to go on with/ to succeed/ to inherit/ then/ afterwards


中继中繼zhong1 ji4to relay/ to repeat
中继器中繼器zhong1 ji4 qi4repeater
中继站中繼站zhong1 ji4 zhan4relay station
中继资料中繼資料zhong1 ji4 zi1 liao4metadata
出继出繼chu1 ji4to become adopted as heir
前仆后继前仆後繼qian2 pu1 hou4 ji4one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping into the breach to replace fallen comrades/ advancing wave upon wave
前赴后继前赴後繼qian2 fu4 hou4 ji4to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)
多端中继器多端中繼器duo1 duan1 zhong1 ji4 qi4multiport repeater
夜以继日夜以繼日ye4 yi3 ji4 ri4night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort
女继承人女繼承人nu:3 ji4 cheng2 ren2inheritress
孙继海孫繼海Sun1 Ji4 hai3Sun Jihai (1977-), Chinese footballer, played for Manchester City (2002-2008)
帧中继幀中繼zhen1 zhong1 ji4frame relay
后继乏人後繼乏人hou4 ji4 fa2 ren2see 後繼無人|后继无人[hou4 ji4 wu2 ren2]
后继有人後繼有人hou4 ji4 you3 ren2to have qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
后继无人後繼無人hou4 ji4 wu2 ren2to have no qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
徐继畲徐繼畬Xu2 Ji4 yu2Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer
戚继光戚繼光Qi1 Ji4 guang1Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), military leader
承继承繼cheng2 ji4adoption (e.g. of a nephew as a son)/ to inherit
焚膏继晷焚膏繼晷fen2 gao1 ji4 gui3to burn the midnight oil (idiom); to work continuously night and day
相继相繼xiang1 ji4in succession/ following closely
ji4to continue/ to follow after/ to go on with/ to succeed/ to inherit/ then/ afterwards
继任繼任ji4 ren4to succeed sb in a job/ successor
继任者繼任者ji4 ren4 zhe3successor
继位繼位ji4 wei4to succeed to the throne
继嗣繼嗣ji4 si4to continue/ to continue a family line/ posterity/ heir
继女繼女ji4 nu:3stepdaughter/ CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2]
继子繼子ji4 zi3stepson
继子女繼子女ji4 zi3 nu:3stepchildren/ adopted children
继室繼室ji4 shi4second wife (of a widower)
继往开来繼往開來ji4 wang3 kai1 lai2to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/ forming a bridge between earlier and later stages




2021-04-20, 476👍, 0💬