
粉 [fen3]


汉字:粉 / 拼音:fen3

fěn powder/ cosmetic face powder/ food prepared from starch/ noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour/ whitewash/ white/ pink


K粉K粉K fen3ketamine (slang)
中筋面粉中筋麵粉zhong1 jin1 mian4 fen3all-purpose flour/ flour for making dumplings and noodles
干粉乾粉gan1 fen3dry powder
互粉互粉hu4 fen3to follow each other's accounts (on Weibo etc)
五香粉五香粉wu3 xiang1 fen3five spices powder
低筋面粉低筋麵粉di1 jin1 mian4 fen3low-gluten flour/ cake flour/ pastry flour/ soft flour
低粉低粉di1 fen3abbr. for 低筋麵粉|低筋面粉[di1 jin1 mian4 fen3]
传粉傳粉chuan2 fen3pollination/ to pollinate
冬粉冬粉dong1 fen3(Tw) cellophane noodles/ mung bean vermicelli
动物淀粉動物澱粉dong4 wu4 dian4 fen3glycogen
吉士粉吉士粉ji2 shi4 fen3custard powder
吸粉吸粉xi1 fen3to increase followers/ to get more fans
咖喱粉咖喱粉ga1 li2 fen3curry powder
唯粉唯粉wei2 fen3fan who only likes one particular member of a pop idol band
塔塔粉塔塔粉ta3 ta3 fen3cream of tartar/ potassium bitartrate
涂脂抹粉塗脂抹粉tu2 zhi1 mo3 fen3to put on makeup/ to prettify
增重粉增重粉zeng1 zhong4 fen3gainer (supplement)
太白粉太白粉tai4 bai2 fen3cornstarch/ potato starch
奶粉奶粉nai3 fen3powdered milk
小粉小粉xiao3 fen3(wheat) starch/ amylum
小粉红小粉紅xiao3 fen3 hong2young Chinese cyber-nationalists
授粉授粉shou4 fen3pollination
掉粉掉粉diao4 fen3to lose fans
散粉散粉san3 fen3loose powder (makeup)
敷粉敷粉fu1 fen3to sprinkle powder/ a dusting
木薯淀粉木薯澱粉mu4 shu3 dian4 fen3tapioca
朱粉朱粉zhu1 fen3red lead oxide Pb3O4/ rouge and white lead/ cosmetics
果粉果粉guo3 fen3(slang) fan of Apple products
桃腮粉脸桃腮粉臉tao2 sai1 fen3 lian3rosy-cheeked (idiom)
僵尸粉殭屍粉jiang1 shi3 fen3"zombie fans", fake followers that can be bought to boost one's popularity on Weibo, Baidu etc




2021-05-12, 465👍, 0💬