
範 [fan4]


汉字:範 / 拼音:fan4

fàn pattern/ model/ example


不规范不規範bu4 gui1 fan4not standard/ abnormal/ irregular
中等师范学校中等師範學校zhong1 deng3 shi1 fan4 xue2 xiao4secondary normal school (secondary school that trains kindergarten and elementary school teachers)
典范典範dian3 fan4model/ example/ paragon
劳动模范勞動模範lao2 dong4 mo2 fan4model worker
北京师范大学北京師範大學Bei3 jing1 Shi1 fan4 Da4 xue2Beijing Normal University
大范围大範圍da4 fan4 wei2large-scale
寻来范畴尋來範疇xun2 lai2 fan4 chou2(math.) derived category
小范围小範圍xiao3 fan4 wei2small-scale/ local/ to a limited extent
就范就範jiu4 fan4to submit/ to give in
师范師範shi1 fan4teacher-training/ pedagogical/ normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal University)
师范大学師範大學shi1 fan4 da4 xue2normal university/ teacher training college
师范学院師範學院shi1 fan4 xue2 yuan4teacher's college/ normal school
技术规范技術規範ji4 shu4 gui1 fan4technical specification
授权范围授權範圍shou4 quan2 fan4 wei2scope of authority/ mandate
模范模範mo2 fan4model/ fine example
湛江师范学院湛江師範學院Zhan4 jiang1 Shi1 fan4 Xue2 yuan4Zhanjiang Normal University
疏于防范疏於防範shu1 yu2 fang2 fan4to neglect to take precautions/ relaxed vigilance
示范示範shi4 fan4to demonstrate/ to show how to do sth/ demonstration/ a model example
fan4pattern/ model/ example
范例範例fan4 li4example/ model case
范围範圍fan4 wei2range/ scope/ limit/ extent/ CL:個|个[ge4]
范式範式fan4 shi4paradigm
范数範數fan4 shu4norm (math.)
范本範本fan4 ben3model (example worthy of being imitated)/ template
范畴範疇fan4 chou2category
范畴论範疇論fan4 chou2 lun4category theory (math.)
范县範縣Fan4 xian4Fan county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan
华东师范大学華東師範大學Hua2 dong1 Shi1 fan4 Da4 xue2East China Normal University (ECNU)
规范規範gui1 fan4norm/ standard/ specification/ regulation/ rule/ within the rules/ to fix rules/ to regulate/ to specify
规范化規範化gui1 fan4 hua4to standardize/ standardization




2021-05-26, 431👍, 0💬