
示 [shi4]


汉字:示 / 拼音:shi4

shì to show/ to reveal


不甘示弱不甘示弱bu4 gan1 shi4 ruo4not to be outdone
以示警戒以示警戒yi3 shi4 jing3 jie4to serve as a warning (idiom)
来示來示lai2 shi4(polite) your letter
来电显示來電顯示lai2 dian4 xian3 shi4caller ID
例示例示li4 shi4to exemplify
公然表示公然表示gong1 ran2 biao3 shi4to state openly
出示出示chu1 shi4to show/ to take out and show to others/ to display
告示告示gao4 shi5announcement
告示牌告示牌gao4 shi4 pai2notice/ placard/ signboard
启示啟示qi3 shi4to reveal/ to enlighten/ enlightenment/ revelation/ illumination/ moral (of a story etc)/ lesson
启示者啟示者qi3 shi4 zhe3revelator
启示录啟示錄Qi3 shi4 lu4the Revelation of St John the divine/ the Apocalypse
图示圖示tu2 shi4icon (computing)
安民告示安民告示an1 min2 gao4 shi4a notice to reassure the public/ advance notice (of an agenda)
宣示宣示xuan1 shi4to vow/ to pledge
展示展示zhan3 shi4to reveal/ to display/ to show/ to exhibit sth
批示批示pi1 shi4to write comments on a report submitted by a subordinate/ written comments from a superior
拔示巴拔示巴Ba2 shi4 ba1Bathsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite and later of David (according to the Hebrew Bible)
指示指示zhi3 shi4to point out/ to indicate/ to instruct/ directives/ instructions/ CL:個|个[ge4]
指示代词指示代詞zhi3 shi4 dai4 ci2demonstrative pronoun
指示剂指示劑zhi3 shi4 ji4indicator
指示器指示器zhi3 shi4 qi4indicator
指示符指示符zhi3 shi4 fu2indicator
提示提示ti2 shi4to point out/ to remind (sb of sth)/ to suggest/ suggestion/ tip/ reminder/ notice
提示付款提示付款ti2 shi4 fu4 kuan3to present (a bill of exchange etc) for payment
提示承兑提示承兌ti2 shi4 cheng2 dui4to present (a draft) for acceptance (commerce)
提示音提示音ti2 shi4 yin1beep
揭示揭示jie1 shi4to show/ to make known
明示明示ming2 shi4to state explicitly/ to clearly indicate
昭示昭示zhao1 shi4to declare publicly/ to make clear




2021-05-13, 442👍, 0💬