目 [mu4]
汉字:目 / 拼音:mu4
目 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
一目了然 | 一目了然 | yi1 mu4 liao3 ran2 | obvious at a glance (idiom) |
一目十行 | 一目十行 | yi1 mu4 shi2 hang2 | ten lines at a glance (idiom)/ to read very rapidly |
一目了然 | 一目瞭然 | yi1 mu4 liao3 ran2 | obvious at a glance (idiom) |
一叶障目 | 一葉障目 | yi1 ye4 zhang4 mu4 | lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (idiom)/ fig. not seeing the wider picture/ can't see the wood for the trees |
不堪入目 | 不堪入目 | bu4 kan1 ru4 mu4 | unbearable to look at/ an eyesore |
不触目 | 不觸目 | bu4 chu4 mu4 | unobtrusive |
不识庐山真面目 | 不識廬山真面目 | bu4 shi4 Lu2 shan1 zhen1 mian4 mu4 | lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain/ fig. can't see the forest for the trees |
二十年目睹之怪现状 | 二十年目睹之怪現狀 | Er4 shi2 Nian2 Mu4 du3 zhi1 Guai4 Xian4 zhuang4 | The Strange State of the World Witnessed Over 20 Years, novel by late Qing novelist Wu Jianren 吳趼人|吴趼人[Wu2 Jian3 ren2] |
亚目 | 亞目 | ya4 mu4 | suborder (taxonomy) |
伊玛目 | 伊瑪目 | yi1 ma3 mu4 | imam (Islam) (loanword) |
佛法僧目 | 佛法僧目 | fo2 fa3 seng1 mu4 | Coraciiformes, class of birds including kingfishers and hornbills |
保留剧目 | 保留劇目 | bao3 liu2 ju4 mu4 | repertory/ stock (in theater) |
侧目 | 側目 | ce4 mu4 | to raise eyebrows/ to cast sidelong glances (expressing fear or indignation)/ shocked/ surprised |
偶蹄目 | 偶蹄目 | ou3 ti2 mu4 | Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc) |
伤心惨目 | 傷心慘目 | shang1 xin1 can3 mu4 | (idiom) too appalling to look at |
伤心蒿目 | 傷心蒿目 | shang1 xin1 hao1 mu4 | to grieve/ broken-hearted |
价目 | 價目 | jia4 mu4 | (marked) price/ tariff (in a restaurant etc) |
光彩夺目 | 光彩奪目 | guang1 cai3 duo2 mu4 | dazzling/ brilliant |
八目鳗 | 八目鰻 | ba1 mu4 man2 | lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family Petromyzontidae) |
刮目相待 | 刮目相待 | gua1 mu4 xiang1 dai4 | see 刮目相看[gua1 mu4 xiang1 kan4] |
刮目相看 | 刮目相看 | gua1 mu4 xiang1 kan4 | to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth/ to sit up and take notice (of sb's improved performance etc) |
到目前 | 到目前 | dao4 mu4 qian2 | up until now/ to date |
到目前为止 | 到目前為止 | dao4 mu4 qian2 wei2 zhi3 | until now/ so far |
刺目 | 刺目 | ci4 mu4 | gaudy/ glaring/ unpleasant to the eyes |
剧目 | 劇目 | ju4 mu4 | repertoire/ list of plays or operas |
半翅目 | 半翅目 | ban4 chi4 mu4 | Hemiptera (suborder of order Homoptera, insects including cicadas and aphids) |
厉目而视 | 厲目而視 | li4 mu4 er2 shi4 | to cut sb a severe look (idiom) |
反目 | 反目 | fan3 mu4 | to quarrel/ to fall out with sb |
反目成仇 | 反目成仇 | fan3 mu4 cheng2 chou2 | to become enemies (idiom); to fall out with sb |
口足目 | 口足目 | kou3 zu2 mu4 | Stomatopoda, order of marine crustaceans (whose members are called mantis shrimps) |
2021-05-08, 478👍, 0💬
简体:人车混行 / 繁体:人车混行 / 拼音:ren2 che1 hun2 xing2
简体:三连胜 / 繁体:三连胜 / 拼音:san1 lian2 sheng4
简体:微尘 / 繁体:微尘 / 拼音:wei1 chen2
简体:父辈 / 繁体:父辈 / 拼音:fu4 bei4
简体:琴瑟和鸣 / 繁体:琴瑟和鸣 / 拼音:qin2 se4 he2 ming2