
盤 [pan2]


汉字:盤 / 拼音:pan2

pán plate/ dish/ tray/ board/ hard drive (computing)/ to build/ to coil/ to check/ to examine/ to transfer (property)/ to make over/ classifier for food: dish, helping/ to coil/ classifier for coils of wire/ classifier for games of chess


C盘C盤C pan2C drive or default startup drive (computing)
U盘U盤U pan2USB flash drive/ see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
一盘散沙一盤散沙yi1 pan2 san3 sha1lit. like a sheet of loose sand/ fig. unable to cooperate (idiom)
一着不慎,满盘皆输一著不慎,滿盤皆輸yi1 zhao1 bu4 shen4 , man3 pan2 jie1 shu1One careless move and the whole game is lost. (idiom)
上不得台盘上不得臺盤shang4 bu4 de2 tai2 pan2too uncouth to appear in public (idiom)/ unfit for a public role
不对盘不對盤bu4 dui4 pan2(of a person) objectionable/ (of two people) to find each other disagreeable
中盘中盤zhong1 pan2middle game (in go or chess)/ (share trading) mid-session/ (abbr. for 中盤商|中盘商[zhong1 pan2 shang1]) distributor/ wholesaler/ middleman
中盘商中盤商zhong1 pan2 shang1distributor/ wholesaler/ middleman
中盘股中盤股zhong1 pan2 gu3(share trading) mid-cap
什锦果盘什錦果盤shi2 jin3 guo3 pan2mixed fruit salad
俄罗斯轮盘俄羅斯輪盤E2 luo2 si1 lun2 pan2Russian roulette
停盘停盤ting2 pan2to suspend trading (stock market)
仪表盘儀表盤yi2 biao3 pan2dashboard/ indicator panel
优盘優盤you1 pan2USB flash drive/ see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]
光盘光盤guang1 pan2compact disc/ CD or DVD/ CD ROM/ CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1]
光盘驱动器光盤驅動器guang1 pan2 qu1 dong4 qi4CD or DVD drive/ abbr. to 光驅|光驱
全盘全盤quan2 pan2overall/ comprehensive
六盘山六盤山Liu4 pan2 Shan1Liupan Mountains, mountain range in northern China
六盘水六盤水Liu4 pan2 shui3Liupanshui prefecture-level city in west Guizhou 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1]
六盘水市六盤水市Liu4 pan2 shui3 shi4Liupanshui prefecture-level city in Guizhou 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1]
冷盘冷盤leng3 pan2cold plate/ cold meats
出盘出盤chu1 pan2to sell up/ to wind up a business
刻度盘刻度盤ke4 du4 pan2dial (e.g. of a radio etc)
卡盘卡盤qia3 pan2chuck (for a drill etc)
口吸盘口吸盤kou3 xi1 pan2oral sucker (e.g. on bloodsucking parasite)
叼盘叼盤diao1 pan2(of a dog) to hold a frisbee in its mouth/ (fig.) derogatory nickname given to Hu Xijin 胡錫進|胡锡进[Hu2 Xi1 jin4] for doing the CCP's bidding as editor of the "Global Times"
向盘向盤xiang4 pan2compass
吸盘吸盤xi1 pan2suction pad/ sucker
吸盘鱼吸盤魚xi1 pan2 yu2shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates)
命盘命盤ming4 pan2natal chart (astrology)




2021-04-30, 454👍, 0💬