
痛 [tong4]


汉字:痛 / 拼音:tong4

tòng ache/ pain/ sorrow/ deeply/ thoroughly


不痛不痒不痛不癢bu4 tong4 bu4 yang3lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is wrong, but not quite sure what/ fig. not getting to any matter of substance/ scratching the surface/ superficial/ perfunctory
不知痛痒不知痛癢bu4 zhi1 tong4 yang3numb/ unfeeling/ indifferent/ inconsequential
不关痛痒不關痛癢bu4 guan1 tong4 yang3unimportant/ of no consequence
作痛作痛zuo4 tong4to ache
偏头痛偏頭痛pian1 tou2 tong4migraine
伤痛傷痛shang1 tong4pain (from wound)/ sorrow
刀刺性痛刀刺性痛dao1 ci4 xing4 tong4lancing pain
切痛切痛qie1 tong4sharp pain
切肤之痛切膚之痛qie4 fu1 zhi1 tong4keenly felt pain/ bitter anguish
刺痛刺痛ci4 tong4stab of pain/ sting/ fig. stimulus to action/ a prick
创巨痛深創巨痛深chuang1 ju4 tong4 shen1untold pain and suffering (idiom); deeply scarred for life
创痛創痛chuang1 tong4pain from a wound
剧痛劇痛ju4 tong4acute pain/ sharp pain/ twinge/ stab/ pang
哀痛哀痛ai1 tong4to grieve/ to mourn/ deep sorrow/ grief
坐骨神经痛坐骨神經痛zuo4 gu3 shen2 jing1 tong4sciatica
好了疮疤忘了痛好了瘡疤忘了痛hao3 le5 chuang1 ba1 wang4 le5 tong4see 好了傷疤忘了疼|好了伤疤忘了疼[hao3 le5 shang1 ba1 wang4 le5 teng2]
强忍悲痛強忍悲痛qiang2 ren3 bei1 tong4to try hard to suppress one's grief (idiom)
心痛心痛xin1 tong4to feel distressed about sth/ heartache/ cardiac pain
心绞痛心絞痛xin1 jiao3 tong4angina
忍痛忍痛ren3 tong4to suffer/ fig. reluctantly
忍痛割爱忍痛割愛ren3 tong4 ge1 ai4to resign oneself to part with what one treasures
思之心痛思之心痛si1 zhi1 xin1 tong4a thought that causes heartache (idiom)
悲痛悲痛bei1 tong4grieved/ sorrowful
惨痛慘痛can3 tong4bitter/ painful/ deeply distressed
慢性疼痛慢性疼痛man4 xing4 teng2 tong4chronic pain
抱头痛哭抱頭痛哭bao4 tou2 tong4 ku1to weep disconsolately/ to cry on each other's shoulder
抽痛抽痛chou1 tong4to throb with pain/ throbbing pain/ twang/ pang/ CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
扑热息痛撲熱息痛pu1 re4 xi1 tong4paracetamol (loanword)
止痛止痛zhi3 tong4to relieve pain/ to stop pain/ analgesic
止痛剂止痛劑zhi3 tong4 ji4an analgesic/ pain killer




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