
病 [bing4]


汉字:病 / 拼音:bing4

bìng illness/ CL:場|场[chang2]/ disease/ to fall ill/ defect


2019冠状病毒病2019冠狀病毒病er4 ling2 yi1 jiu3 guan1 zhuang4 bing4 du2 bing4COVID-19, the coronavirus disease identified in 2019
一病不起一病不起yi1 bing4 bu4 qi3to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom)
三手病三手病san1 shou3 bing4repetitive strain injury (resulting from frequent use of one's thumb, wrist etc)
不干不净,吃了没病不乾不淨,吃了沒病bu4 gan1 bu4 jing4 , chi1 le5 mei2 bing4a little dirt never killed anybody (proverb)/ a couple of germs won't do you any harm
中二病中二病zhong1 er4 bing4(neologism) strange behavior characteristic of a teenager going through puberty (loanword from Japanese "chūnibyō")
久病久病jiu3 bing4my old illness/ chronic condition
久病成良医久病成良醫jiu3 bing4 cheng2 liang2 yi1long illness makes the patient into a good doctor (idiom)
久病成医久病成醫jiu3 bing4 cheng2 yi1(proverb) a long illness makes the patient into a doctor
人类乳突病毒人類乳突病毒ren2 lei4 ru3 tu1 bing4 du2human papillomavirus (HPV)
人类免疫缺陷病毒人類免疫缺陷病毒ren2 lei4 mian3 yi4 que1 xian4 bing4 du2human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
伊科病毒伊科病毒yi1 ke1 bing4 du2echovirus (RNA virus in genus Enterovirus)
佝偻病佝僂病gou1 lou2 bing4rickets (medicine)
传染病傳染病chuan2 ran3 bing4infectious disease/ contagious disease/ pestilence
传染病学傳染病學chuan2 ran3 bing4 xue2epidemiology
伤病员傷病員shang1 bing4 yuan2the sick and the wounded
克汀病克汀病ke4 ting1 bing4cretinism
克沙奇病毒克沙奇病毒ke4 sha1 qi2 bing4 du2Coxsackievirus
克隆氏病克隆氏病Ke4 long2 shi4 bing4Crohn's disease
兔热病兔熱病tu4 re4 bing4tularemia/ rabbit fever
冠心病冠心病guan1 xin1 bing4coronary heart disease
冠状病毒冠狀病毒guan1 zhuang4 bing4 du2coronavirus
冬病夏治冬病夏治dong1 bing4 xia4 zhi4to treat winter diseases in the summer (TCM)
冷热病冷熱病leng3 re4 bing4malaria
出毛病出毛病chu1 mao2 bing4a problem appears/ to break down
切中时病切中時病qie4 zhong4 shi2 bing4to hit the target where it hurts (idiom); fig. to hit home/ to hit the nail on the head (in an argument)
利什曼病利什曼病li4 shi2 man4 bing4leishmaniasis (medicine)
副黏液病毒副黏液病毒fu4 nian2 ye4 bing4 du2paramyxovirus
功夫病毒功夫病毒gong1 fu5 bing4 du2kung flu
包治百病包治百病bao1 zhi4 bai3 bing4guaranteed to cure all diseases
危重病人危重病人wei1 zhong4 bing4 ren2critically ill patient




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