
男 [nan2]


汉字:男 / 拼音:nan2

nán male/ Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/ CL:個|个[ge4]


乱搞男女关系亂搞男女關係luan4 gao3 nan2 nu:3 guan1 xi4to be promiscuous/ to sleep around
善男信女善男信女shan4 nan2 xin4 nu:3lay practitioners of Buddhism
型男型男xing2 nan2fashionable and good-looking guy (slang)
大男人大男人da4 nan2 ren2very masculine guy/ a real man/ (used ironically) a grown man
大男人主义大男人主義da4 nan2 ren2 zhu3 yi4male chauvinism
大男子主义大男子主義da4 nan2 zi3 zhu3 yi4male chauvinism
大男子主义者大男子主義者da4 nan2 zi3 zhu3 yi4 zhe3male chauvinist
女扮男装女扮男裝nu:3 ban4 nan2 zhuang1(of a woman) to dress as a man (idiom)
好男不跟女斗好男不跟女鬥hao3 nan2 bu4 gen1 nu:3 dou4a real man doesn't fight with womenfolk (idiom)
姨甥男女姨甥男女yi2 sheng5 nan2 nu:3wife's sister's children
孤男寡女孤男寡女gu1 nan2 gua3 nu:3a single man and a single woman/ bachelors/ a man and a woman together (typically in a secluded setting)
宅男宅男zhai2 nan2a guy who stays at home all the time, typically spending a lot of time playing online games (derived from Japanese "otaku")
少男少女少男少女shao4 nan2 shao4 nu:3boys and girls/ teenagers
弯男彎男wan1 nan2gay guy
役男役男yi4 nan2males eligible for military service/ draftee/ abbr. for 役齡男子|役龄男子
暖男暖男nuan3 nan2a man who is family-oriented, considerate and protective
欺男霸女欺男霸女qi1 nan2 ba4 nu:3to oppress the people/ to act tyrannically
渣男渣男zha1 nan2(coll.) jerk/ scumbag (esp. in romantic relationships)
潜力股男人潛力股男人qian2 li4 gu3 nan2 ren2man with good prospects
潮男潮男chao2 nan2metrosexual
狗男女狗男女gou3 nan2 nu:3a couple engaged in an illicit love affair/ a cheating couple
理工男理工男li3 gong1 nan2geek/ techie
nan2male/ Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/ CL:個|个[ge4]
男丁男丁nan2 ding1adult male
男中音男中音nan2 zhong1 yin1baritone
男主外,女主内男主外,女主內nan2 zhu3 wai4 , nu:3 zhu3 nei4men go out to work and women stay at home (idiom)
男人男人nan2 ren2a man/ a male/ men/ CL:個|个[ge4]
男人不坏,女人不爱男人不壞,女人不愛nan2 ren2 bu4 huai4 , nu:3 ren2 bu4 ai4women love bad guys
男人婆男人婆nan2 ren2 po2tomboy
男人家男人家nan2 ren2 jia5a man (rather than a woman)




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