
牢 [lao2]


汉字:牢 / 拼音:lao2

láo firm/ sturdy/ fold (for animals)/ sacrifice/ prison


亡羊补牢亡羊補牢wang2 yang2 bu3 lao2lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom)/ fig. to act belatedly/ better late than never/ to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
吃牢饭吃牢飯chi1 lao2 fan4to do prison time (Tw)
嘴上没毛,办事不牢嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢zui3 shang4 mei2 mao2 , ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2a youth without facial hair cannot be relied upon (proverb)
嘴上无毛,办事不牢嘴上無毛,辦事不牢zui3 shang4 wu2 mao2 , ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2see 嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢|嘴上没毛,办事不牢[zui3 shang4 mei2 mao2 , ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2]
嘴牢嘴牢zui3 lao2tight-lipped
地牢地牢di4 lao2prison/ dungeon
坐牢坐牢zuo4 lao2to be imprisoned
坚牢堅牢jian1 lao2strong/ firm
大牢大牢da4 lao2prison
太牢太牢tai4 lao2(in ancient times) sacrificial animal (cow, sheep or pig)
套牢套牢tao4 lao2to immobilize with a lasso/ to be trapped in the stock market
水牢水牢shui3 lao2prison cell containing water, in which prisoners are forced to be partly immersed
满腹牢骚滿腹牢騷man3 fu4 lao2 sao1lit. belly full of complaints (idiom)/ discontent/ always moaning and complaining
lao2firm/ sturdy/ fold (for animals)/ sacrifice/ prison
牢什子牢什子lao2 shi2 zi5variant of 勞什子|劳什子[lao2 shi2 zi5]
牢友牢友lao2 you3inmate/ cellmate
牢固牢固lao2 gu4firm/ secure
牢子牢子lao2 zi3jailer (old)
牢实牢實lao2 shi5solid/ strong/ firm/ secure
牢房牢房lao2 fang2jail cell/ prison cell
牢牢牢牢lao2 lao2firmly/ safely
牢狱牢獄lao2 yu4prison
牢狱之灾牢獄之災lao2 yu4 zhi1 zai1imprisonment
牢笼牢籠lao2 long2cage/ trap (e.g. basket, pit or snare for catching animals)/ fig. bonds (of wrong ideas)/ shackles (of past misconceptions)/ to trap/ to shackle
牢记牢記lao2 ji4to keep in mind/ to remember
牢靠牢靠lao2 kao4firm and solid/ robust/ reliable
牢靠妥当牢靠妥當lao2 kao4 tuo3 dang4reliable/ solid and dependable
牢头牢頭lao2 tou2jailer (old)
牢骚牢騷lao2 sao1discontent/ complaint/ to complain
画地为牢畫地為牢hua4 di4 wei2 lao2lit. to be confined within a circle drawn on the ground (idiom)/ fig. to confine oneself to a restricted range of activities




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