
爪 [zhao3 zhua3]


汉字:爪 / 拼音:zhao3 zhua3

zhǎo foot of a bird or animal/ paw/ claws/ talons
zhuǎ (coll.) foot of an animal or bird/ (coll.) foot supporting a cooking pot etc


一鳞半爪一鱗半爪yi1 lin2 ban4 zhua3lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom); only odd bits and pieces
中爪哇中爪哇Zhong1 Zhao3 wa1Central Java, province of Indonesia
八爪鱼八爪魚ba1 zhua3 yu2octopus
冰爪冰爪bing1 zhua3crampon
利爪利爪li4 zhao3sharp claw/ talon
小胖爪小胖爪xiao3 pang4 zhua3(coll.) hand
张牙舞爪張牙舞爪zhang1 ya2 wu3 zhao3to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures
东鳞西爪東鱗西爪dong1 lin2 xi1 zhao3lit. a dragon's scale from the east and a dragon's claw from the west/ odds and ends (idiom)
毒爪毒爪du2 zhua3the sting (of scorpion etc)
zhao3foot of a bird or animal/ paw/ claws/ talons
zhua3(coll.) foot of an animal or bird/ (coll.) foot supporting a cooking pot etc
爪儿爪兒zhua3 r5paws (of small animal)/ same as 爪子/ legs of furniture or apparatus/ stupid person
爪印爪印zhao3 yin4paw print
爪哇爪哇Zhao3 wa1Java (island of Indonesia)/ Java (programming language)
爪哇八哥爪哇八哥Zhao3 wa1 ba1 ge1(bird species of China) Javan myna (Acridotheres javanicus)
爪哇岛爪哇島Zhao3 wa1 Dao3Java (island of Indonesia)
爪哇池鹭爪哇池鷺Zhao3 wa1 chi2 lu4(bird species of China) Javan pond heron (Ardeola speciosa)
爪哇禾雀爪哇禾雀Zhao3 wa1 he2 que4(bird species of China) Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora)
爪子爪子zhua3 zi5(animal's) claw
爪字头爪字頭zhao3 zi4 tou2Chinese character component 爫, used in 乳[ru3], 愛|爱[ai4] etc
爪尖儿爪尖兒zhua3 jian1 r5pig's trotters
爪机爪機zhua3 ji1(Internet slang) mobile phone
爪牙爪牙zhao3 ya2pawn/ lackey/ accomplice (in crime)/ collaborator/ henchman/ claws and teeth
爪蟾爪蟾zhua3 chan2Xenopus (type of frog)
脚爪腳爪jiao3 zhao3paw/ claw
虎爪派虎爪派hu3 zhua3 pai4Hu Zhua Pai - "Tiger Claw Sytem" - Martial Art
蟹爪兰蟹爪蘭xie4 zhua3 lan2holiday cactus
西爪哇西爪哇Xi1 Zhao3 wa1West Java, province of Indonesia
铁爪鹀鐵爪鵐tie3 zhao3 wu2(bird species of China) Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
雪泥鸿爪雪泥鴻爪xue3 ni2 hong2 zhao3a goose's footprint in the snow/ vestiges of the past (idiom)/ the fleeting nature of human life (idiom)




2021-05-17, 853👍, 0💬