
熟 [shu2]


汉字:熟 / 拼音:shu2

shú cooked (of food)/ ripe (of fruit)/ mature (of seeds)/ familiar/ skilled/ done/ also pr. [shou2]


一分熟一分熟yi1 fen1 shu2rare (of steak)
一回生二回熟一回生二回熟yi1 hui2 sheng1 er4 hui2 shu2unfamiliar at first, but well accustomed soon enough (idiom)
一回生两回熟一回生兩回熟yi1 hui2 sheng1 liang3 hui2 shu2see 一回生二回熟[yi1 hui2 sheng1 er4 hui2 shu2]
一次生,两次熟一次生,兩次熟yi1 ci4 sheng1 , liang3 ci4 shu2unfamiliar at first but you get used to it/ strangers are first meeting, but soon friends/ an acquired taste
七分熟七分熟qi1 fen1 shu2medium well (of steak)
三分熟三分熟san1 fen1 shu2medium rare (of steak)
不成熟不成熟bu4 cheng2 shu2unripe/ immature
五分熟五分熟wu3 fen1 shu2medium (of steak)
人生地不熟人生地不熟ren2 sheng1 di4 bu4 shu2to be a stranger in a strange land (idiom)/ in an unfamiliar place without friends or family
人生路不熟人生路不熟ren2 sheng1 lu4 bu4 shu2everything is unfamiliar
人头熟人頭熟ren2 tou2 shu2to know a lot of people
催熟催熟cui1 shu2to promote ripening of fruit
全熟全熟quan2 shu2thoroughly cooked/ well done (of steak)
半熟练半熟練ban4 shu2 lian4semiskilled
半生不熟半生不熟ban4 sheng1 bu4 shou2underripe/ half-cooked/ (fig.) not mastered (of a technique)/ clumsy/ halting
娴熟嫻熟xian2 shu2adept/ skilled
常熟常熟Chang2 shu2Changshu county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu
常熟市常熟市Chang2 shu2 Shi4Changshu county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu
厮熟廝熟si1 shu2familiar with one another
快熟面快熟麵kuai4 shu2 mian4instant noodles
性成熟性成熟xing4 cheng2 shu2sexual maturity
性熟存性熟存xing4 shu2 cun2sexual intimacy
成熟成熟cheng2 shu2mature/ ripe/ to mature/ to ripen/ Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2]
成熟分裂成熟分裂cheng2 shu2 fen1 lie4meiosis (in sexual reproduction)
早熟早熟zao3 shu2precocious/ early-maturing
未熟未熟wei4 shu2unripe
杀熟殺熟sha1 shu2to swindle associates, friends or relatives
深思熟虑深思熟慮shen1 si1 shu2 lu:4mature reflection/ after careful deliberations
混熟混熟hun4 shou2to get familiar with
滚瓜烂熟滾瓜爛熟gun3 gua1 lan4 shu2lit. ripe as a melon that rolls from its vine (idiom); fig. to know fluently/ to know sth inside out/ to know sth by heart




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