漆 [qi1]
汉字:漆 / 拼音:qi1
漆 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
一团漆黑 | 一團漆黑 | yi1 tuan2 qi1 hei1 | pitch-black/ (fig.) to be completely in the dark |
乳胶漆 | 乳膠漆 | ru3 jiao1 qi1 | latex paint/ emulsion paint |
光漆 | 光漆 | guang1 qi1 | enamel |
喷漆 | 噴漆 | pen1 qi1 | to spray paint or lacquer/ lacquer |
喷漆推进 | 噴漆推進 | pen1 qi1 tui1 jin4 | jet propulsion |
如胶似漆 | 如膠似漆 | ru2 jiao1 si4 qi1 | stuck together as by glue (of lovers)/ joined at the hip |
底漆 | 底漆 | di3 qi1 | primer |
掉漆 | 掉漆 | diao4 qi1 | to peel off (paint)/ (fig.) to be exposed/ to lose face (Tw) |
朱漆 | 朱漆 | zhu1 qi1 | (traditional) red paint/ red lacquer |
油光漆 | 油光漆 | you2 guang1 qi1 | varnish |
油漆 | 油漆 | you2 qi1 | oil paints/ lacquer/ to paint/ CL:層|层[ceng2] |
漆 | 漆 | qi1 | paint/ lacquer/ CL:道[dao4]/ to paint (furniture, walls etc) |
漆器 | 漆器 | qi1 qi4 | lacquerware |
漆布 | 漆布 | qi1 bu4 | varnished cloth/ linoleum |
漆弹 | 漆彈 | qi1 dan4 | paintball (sports) |
漆树 | 漆樹 | qi1 shu4 | lac tree (Rhus vernicifera) |
漆树科 | 漆樹科 | qi1 shu4 ke1 | Anacardiaceae, plant family including lac tree (Rhus vernicifera) 漆樹|漆树[qi1 shu4] |
漆皮鞋 | 漆皮鞋 | qi1 pi2 xie2 | patent leather shoes |
漆雕 | 漆雕 | qi1 diao1 | carved or engraved lacquerware |
漆黑 | 漆黑 | qi1 hei1 | pitch-black |
漆黑一团 | 漆黑一團 | qi1 hei1 yi1 tuan2 | pitch-black/ (fig.) to be completely in the dark |
乌漆墨黑 | 烏漆墨黑 | wu1 qi1 mo4 hei1 | jet-black/ pitch-dark |
乌漆抹黑 | 烏漆抹黑 | wu1 qi1 ma1 hei1 | see 烏漆墨黑|乌漆墨黑[wu1 qi1 mo4 hei1] |
生漆 | 生漆 | sheng1 qi1 | raw lacquer |
绝热漆 | 絕熱漆 | jue2 re4 qi1 | heat-resistant paint |
脱胎漆器 | 脫胎漆器 | tuo1 tai1 qi1 qi4 | bodiless lacquerware |
落漆 | 落漆 | luo4 qi1 | see 掉漆[diao4 qi1] |
金漆 | 金漆 | jin1 qi1 | copper paint/ fake gold leaf |
雕漆 | 雕漆 | diao1 qi1 | carved lacquerware |
黑漆麻花 | 黑漆麻花 | hei1 qi1 ma2 hua1 | pitch-dark/ coal black |
2021-04-20, 406👍, 0💬
汉字:壇 / 拼音:tan2
简体:中贼鸥 / 繁体:中贼鸥 / 拼音:zhong1 zei2 ou1
简体:鲢鱼 / 繁体:鲢鱼 / 拼音:lian2 yu2
简体:禽兽 / 繁体:禽兽 / 拼音:qin2 shou4
简体:专制 / 繁体:专制 / 拼音:zhuan1 zhi4