
渴 [ke3]


汉字:渴 / 拼音:ke3



干渴乾渴gan1 ke3parched/ dry mouth
充饥止渴充飢止渴chong1 ji1 zhi3 ke3to allay one's hunger and slake one's thirst (idiom)
口渴口渴kou3 ke3thirsty
如饥似渴如飢似渴ru2 ji1 si4 ke3to hunger for sth (idiom); eagerly/ to long for sth
望梅止渴望梅止渴wang4 mei2 zhi3 ke3lit. to quench one's thirst by thinking of plums (idiom)/ fig. to console oneself with illusions
消渴消渴xiao1 ke3condition characterized by thirst, hunger, frequent urination and weight loss, identified in TCM with type 2 diabetes
渴不可耐渴不可耐ke3 bu4 ke3 nai4to be so thirsty as to no longer be able to tolerate it
渴慕渴慕ke3 mu4to thirst for
渴望渴望ke3 wang4to thirst for/ to long for
渴求渴求ke3 qiu2to long for/ to crave for/ to greatly desire
临渴掘井臨渴掘井lin2 ke3 jue2 jing3lit. not to dig a well until one is thirsty/ to be unprepared and seek help at the last minute (idiom)
临渴穿井臨渴穿井lin2 ke3 chuan1 jing3lit. face thirst and dig a well (idiom); fig. not to make adequate provision/ to act when it is too late
解渴解渴jie3 ke3to quench
远水不解近渴遠水不解近渴yuan3 shui3 bu4 jie3 jin4 ke3lit. distant water does not cure present thirst; fig. urgent need/ a slow remedy does not address immediate needs
饥渴飢渴ji1 ke3hungry and thirsty/ (fig.) to crave (knowledge, love etc)
饮鸩止渴飲鴆止渴yin3 zhen4 zhi3 ke3lit. drinking poison in the hope of quenching one's thirst (idiom)/ fig. a supposed remedy that only makes matters worse



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