涉 [she4]
汉字:涉 / 拼音:she4
涉 | |||
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异体 | 涉 渉 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
不干涉 | 不干涉 | bu4 gan1 she4 | noninterference/ nonintervention |
交涉 | 交涉 | jiao1 she4 | to negotiate (with)/ to have dealings (with) |
干涉 | 干涉 | gan1 she4 | to interfere/ to meddle/ interference |
干涉仪 | 干涉儀 | gan1 she4 yi2 | interferometer (physics) |
涉 | 涉 | she4 | (literary) to wade across a body of water/ (bound form) to experience/ to undergo/ to be involved/ to concern |
涉世 | 涉世 | she4 shi4 | to see the world/ to go out into society/ to gain experience |
涉世未深 | 涉世未深 | she4 shi4 wei4 shen1 | unpracticed/ inexperienced/ naive/ unsophisticated |
涉事 | 涉事 | she4 shi4 | to be involved in the matter (Example: 涉事三人[she4 shi4 san1 ren2], the three people involved)/ (archaic) to recount the events |
涉及 | 涉及 | she4 ji2 | to involve/ to touch upon (a topic) |
涉外 | 涉外 | she4 wai4 | concerning foreigners or foreign affairs |
涉嫌 | 涉嫌 | she4 xian2 | to be a suspect (in a crime)/ to be suspected of |
涉嫌人 | 涉嫌人 | she4 xian2 ren2 | (criminal) suspect |
涉想 | 涉想 | she4 xiang3 | to imagine/ to consider |
涉案 | 涉案 | she4 an4 | (of a perpetrator, victim, weapon, sum of money etc) to be involved in the case |
涉历 | 涉歷 | she4 li4 | to experience |
涉水靴 | 涉水靴 | she4 shui3 xue1 | wading boots/ high-topped waterproof boots |
涉水鸟 | 涉水鳥 | she4 shui3 niao3 | a wading bird |
涉渡 | 涉渡 | she4 du4 | to ford (a stream)/ to wade across |
涉猎 | 涉獵 | she4 lie4 | to skim (through a book)/ to read cursorily/ to dip into |
涉众 | 涉眾 | she4 zhong4 | the stakeholders/ a stakeholder |
涉笔 | 涉筆 | she4 bi3 | to start writing or painting (lit. "wet the brush") |
涉县 | 涉縣 | She4 xian4 | She county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei |
涉览 | 涉覽 | she4 lan3 | to browse/ to glance through/ to read |
涉讼 | 涉訟 | she4 song4 | to be involved in a lawsuit |
涉贿 | 涉賄 | she4 hui1 | to be suspected of bribery |
涉足 | 涉足 | she4 zu2 | to set foot in/ to step into/ to become involved for the first time |
涉过 | 涉過 | she4 guo4 | to ford (a stream, river etc) |
涉险 | 涉險 | she4 xian3 | to take risks/ involved in adventure |
涉黑 | 涉黑 | she4 hei1 | gang-related |
涉黑案 | 涉黑案 | she4 hei1 an4 | gang-related case/ criminal case |
2021-05-14, 554👍, 0💬
简体:呒 / 繁体:呒 / 拼音:fu3
简体:氽汤 / 繁体:氽汤 / 拼音:tun3 tang1
简体:秒秒钟 / 繁体:秒秒钟 / 拼音:miao3 miao3 zhong1
简体:备料 / 繁体:备料 / 拼音:bei4 liao4
简体:愚弱 / 繁体:愚弱 / 拼音:yu2 ruo4