
池 [Chi2 chi2]


汉字:池 / 拼音:Chi2 chi2

chí surname Chi
chí pond/ reservoir/ moat


U型池U型池U xing2 chi2(sports) vert ramp/ half-pipe
一号电池一號電池yi1 hao4 dian4 chi2D size battery
七号电池七號電池qi1 hao4 dian4 chi2AAA battery (PRC)/ Taiwan equivalent: 四號電池|四号电池
三号电池三號電池san1 hao4 dian4 chi2C size battery (PRC)/ AA battery (Taiwan)/ see 二號電池|二号电池 (C battery in Taiwan) and 五號電池|五号电池 (AA battery in PRC)
不敢越雷池一步不敢越雷池一步bu4 gan3 yue4 Lei2 chi2 yi1 bu4dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit
不越雷池不越雷池bu4 yue4 Lei2 chi2not overstepping the prescribed limits/ to remain within bounds
二号电池二號電池er4 hao4 dian4 chi2C size battery (Tw)/ PRC equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池
五大连池五大連池Wu3 da4 lian2 chi2Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang
五大连池市五大連池市Wu3 da4 lian2 chi2 shi4Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang
五号电池五號電池wu3 hao4 dian4 chi2AA battery (PRC)/ Taiwan equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池
便池便池bian4 chi2urinal
化粪池化糞池hua4 fen4 chi2septic tank
喷水池噴水池pen1 shui3 chi2a fountain
喷池噴池pen1 chi2spray pool/ spray condensing pool
四号电池四號電池si4 hao4 dian4 chi2AAA battery (Tw)/ PRC equivalent: 七號電池|七号电池[qi1 hao4 dian4 chi2]
城池城池cheng2 chi2city
城门失火,殃及池鱼城門失火,殃及池魚cheng2 men2 shi1 huo3 , yang1 ji2 chi2 yu2a fire in the city gates is also a calamity for the fish in the moat (idiom); the bystander will also suffer/ fig. you can't escape responsibility for your actions/ ask not for whom the bell tolls - it tolls for thee
天池天池Tian1 chi2Lake Tianchi in Xinjiang
天池天池tian1 chi2"heavenly lake", lake situated on a mountain/ used as the name of numerous lakes, such as 長白山天池|长白山天池[Chang2 bai2 shan1 Tian1 chi2]
太液池太液池Tai4 ye4 chi2area to the west of the Forbidden City, now divided into Zhongnanhai and Beihai
太阳能电池太陽能電池tai4 yang2 neng2 dian4 chi2solar cell
太阳电池太陽電池tai4 yang2 dian4 chi2solar cell
太阳电池板太陽電池板tai4 yang2 dian4 chi2 ban3solar panel
小池百合子小池百合子Xiao3 chi2 Bai3 he2 zi5KOIKE Yuriko (1952-), Japanese LDP politician, minister of defense during 2008
岳池岳池Yue4 chi2Yuechi county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan
岳池县岳池縣Yue4 chi2 xian4Yuechi county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan
差池差池cha1 chi2mistake/ error/ mishap
扣式电池扣式電池kou4 shi4 dian4 chi2button cell/ watch battery
晕池暈池yun4 chi2to faint in the bathroom (from heat)
曲池穴曲池穴qu1 chi2 xue2Quchi acupoint LI11, at the lateral end of the elbow crease




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