
水 [Shui3 shui3]


汉字:水 / 拼音:Shui3 shui3

shuǐ surname Shui
shuǐ water/ river/ liquid/ beverage/ additional charges or income/ (of clothes) classifier for number of washes


一夜露水一夜露水yi1 ye4 lu4 shui5one-night stand/ ephemeral
一水儿一水兒yi1 shui3 r5(coll.) of the same type/ identical
一清如水一清如水yi1 qing1 ru2 shui3lit. as clear as water (idiom)/ fig. (of officials etc) honest and incorruptible
一潭死水一潭死水yi1 tan2 si3 shui3a pool of stagnant water/ stagnant or listless condition
一碗水端平一碗水端平yi1 wan3 shui3 duan1 ping2lit. to hold a bowl of water level (idiom)/ fig. to be impartial
一衣带水一衣帶水yi1 yi1 dai4 shui3(separated only by) a narrow strip of water
一头雾水一頭霧水yi1 tou2 wu4 shui3to be confused/ to be baffled
一点水一个泡一點水一個泡yi1 dian3 shui3 yi1 ge4 pao4honest and trustworthy (idiom)
三个和尚没水吃三個和尚沒水吃san1 ge4 he2 shang5 mei2 shui3 chi1see 三個和尚沒水喝|三个和尚没水喝[san1 ge4 he2 shang5 mei2 shui3 he1]
三个和尚没水喝三個和尚沒水喝san1 ge4 he2 shang5 mei2 shui3 he1lit. three monks have no water to drink (idiom)/ fig. everybody's business is nobody's business/ (If there is one monk, he will fetch water for himself. If there are two, they will fetch water together. But if there are three or more, none will take it upon himself to fetch water.)
三峡水库三峽水庫San1 xia2 Shui3 ku4Three Gorges Reservoir on the Changjiang or Yangtze
三水三水San1 shui3Sanshui district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong
三水区三水區San1 shui3 qu1Sanshui district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong
三水县三水縣San1 shui3 xian4Sanshui county in Guangdong
三都水族自治县三都水族自治縣San1 du1 shui3 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou
三点水三點水san1 dian3 shui3name of "water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85)/ see also 氵[shui3]
上善若水上善若水shang4 shan4 ruo4 shui3the ideal is to be like water (which benefits all living things and does not struggle against them) (quotation from the "Book of Dao" 道德經|道德经[Dao4 de2 jing1])
上水上水Shang4 shui3Sheung Shui (area in Hong Kong)
上水上水shang4 shui3upper reaches (of a river)/ to go upstream/ to add some water/ to water (a crop etc)
下水下水xia4 shui3downstream/ to go into the water/ to put into water/ to launch (a ship)/ fig. to fall into bad ways/ to lead astray/ to go to pot
下水下水xia4 shui5offal/ viscera/ tripe
下水礼下水禮xia4 shui3 li3launching ceremony
下水管下水管xia4 shui3 guan3drainpipe
下水道下水道xia4 shui3 dao4sewer
不服水土不服水土bu4 fu2 shui3 tu3(of a stranger) not accustomed to the climate of a new place/ not acclimatized
不透水不透水bu4 tou4 shui3waterproof/ watertight/ impermeable
不显山不露水不顯山不露水bu4 xian3 shan1 bu4 lu4 shui3lit. to not show the mountain and to not reveal the water (idiom); fig. to hide the key facts
中度性肺水肿中度性肺水腫zhong1 du4 xing4 fei4 shui3 zhong3toxic pulmonary edema
中水中水zhong1 shui3reclaimed water/ recycled water
二水二水Er4 shui3Erhshui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan




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