
殿 [dian4]


汉字:殿 / 拼音:dian4

diàn palace hall


偏殿偏殿pian1 dian4side palace hall/ side chamber
大殿大殿da4 dian4main hall of a Buddhist temple
大雄宝殿大雄寶殿da4 xiong2 bao3 dian4Hall of Great Strength, main hall of a Buddhist temple containing the main image of veneration 大雄[da4 xiong2]
太和殿太和殿Tai4 he2 dian4Hall of Supreme Harmony, the largest of the three halls that constitute the heart of the Outer Court of the Forbidden City 紫禁城[Zi3 jin4 cheng2]
宫殿宮殿gong1 dian4palace/ CL:座[zuo4]
宝殿寶殿bao3 dian4king's palace/ throne hall
森罗宝殿森羅寶殿Sen1 luo2 bao3 dian4Yama's palace
森罗殿森羅殿Sen1 luo2 dian4Yama's palace
正殿正殿zheng4 dian4main hall of a Buddhist temple
殿殿dian4palace hall
殿下殿下dian4 xia4Your Majesty (honorific)/ His or Her Highness
殿堂殿堂dian4 tang2palace/ hall/ temple buildings
殿宇殿宇dian4 yu3(literary) halls (of a palace or a temple)
殿后殿後dian4 hou4to bring up the rear
殿卫殿衛dian4 wei4fullback (sports)
殿试殿試dian4 shi4court examination, the top grade imperial exam
殿军殿軍dian4 jun1runner-up
无事不登三宝殿無事不登三寶殿wu2 shi4 bu4 deng1 san1 bao3 dian4lit. One doesn't visit a temple without a cause. (idiom)/ fig. to visit sb with an ulterior motive (esp. to ask for sth)/ having a hidden agenda
神殿神殿shen2 dian4shrine
圣伯多禄大殿聖伯多祿大殿Sheng4 bo2 duo1 lu4 Da4 dian4St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City
圣殿聖殿sheng4 dian4temple
金銮殿金鑾殿jin1 luan2 dian4throne room
麒麟殿麒麟殿Qi2 lin2 Dian4see 麒麟閣|麒麟阁[Qi2 lin2 Ge2]



2021-05-19, 461👍, 0💬