
殺 [sha1]


汉字:殺 / 拼音:sha1

shā to kill/ to murder/ to attack/ to weaken or reduce/ to smart (dialect)/ (used after a verb) extremely


一笔抹杀一筆抹殺yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1to blot out at one stroke/ to reject out of hand/ to deny without a hearing
上阵杀敌上陣殺敵shang4 zhen4 sha1 di2to go into battle/ to strike at the enemy
他杀他殺ta1 sha1homicide (law)
以眦睚杀人以眥睚殺人yi3 zi4 ya2 sha1 ren2to kill sb for a trifle
借刀杀人借刀殺人jie4 dao1 sha1 ren2to lend sb a knife to kill sb/ to get sb else to do one's dirty work/ to attack using the strength of another (idiom)
凶杀兇殺xiong1 sha1to murder/ assassination
凶杀案兇殺案xiong1 sha1 an4murder case
刺杀刺殺ci4 sha1to assassinate/ (military) to fight with a bayonet/ (baseball) to put out (a baserunner)
剖腹自杀剖腹自殺pou1 fu4 zi4 sha1hara-kiri
劫杀劫殺jie2 sha1to rob and kill
勒杀勒殺lei1 sha1to strangle
半路杀出个程咬金半路殺出個程咬金ban4 lu4 sha1 chu1 ge4 Cheng2 Yao3 jin1lit. Cheng Yaojin ambushes the enemy (saying)/ fig. sb shows up unexpectedly and disrupts the plan/ sb whose presence is regarded as irksome
半路杀出的程咬金半路殺出的程咬金ban4 lu4 sha1 chu1 de5 Cheng2 Yao3 jin1see 半路殺出個程咬金|半路杀出个程咬金[ban4 lu4 sha1 chu1 ge4 Cheng2 Yao3 jin1]
南京大屠杀南京大屠殺Nan2 jing1 Da4 tu2 sha1the Nanjing Massacre of 1937-38
南京大屠杀事件南京大屠殺事件Nan2 jing1 Da4 tu2 sha1 Shi4 jian4The Rape of Nanking (1997 documentary book by Iris Chang 張純如|张纯如)
卸磨杀驴卸磨殺驢xie4 mo4 sha1 lu:2lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom)/ to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful
反杀反殺fan3 sha1to respond to an assault by killing one's assailant
问客杀鸡問客殺雞wen4 ke4 sha1 ji1lit. asking guests whether or not to butcher a chicken for them (idiom)/ fig. hypocritical show of affection (or hospitality)
嗜杀成性嗜殺成性shi4 sha1 cheng2 xing4bloodthirsty
坑杀坑殺keng1 sha1to bury alive/ to ensnare
大屠杀大屠殺da4 tu2 sha1massacre/ Holocaust
大屠杀事件大屠殺事件da4 tu2 sha1 shi4 jian4massacre/ Holocaust
大杀风景大殺風景da4 sha1 feng1 jing3to be a blot on the landscape/ to dampen spirits/ to spoil the fun/ to be a wet blanket
大规模杀伤性武器大規模殺傷性武器da4 gui1 mo2 sha1 shang1 xing4 wu3 qi4weapons of mass destruction
大量杀伤武器大量殺傷武器da4 liang4 sha1 shang1 wu3 qi4weapons of mass destruction
天杀的天殺的tian1 sha1 de5Goddam!/ goddamn/ wretched
奸杀姦殺jian1 sha1to rape and murder
宰杀宰殺zai3 sha1to slaughter (an animal for meat)/ to butcher
封杀封殺feng1 sha1to shut out/ to block/ to smother
射杀射殺she4 sha1to shoot dead (with a gun, or bow and arrow)




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