
槍 [Qiang1 qiang1]


汉字:槍 / 拼音:Qiang1 qiang1

qiāng surname Qiang
qiāng gun/ firearm/ rifle/ spear/ thing with shape or function similar to a gun/ CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3],桿|杆[gan3],條|条[tiao2],枝[zhi1]/ to substitute for another person in a test/ to knock/ classifier for rifle shots


中枪中槍zhong4 qiang1to be hit by a gun/ shot
来复枪來復槍lai2 fu4 qiang1rifle (loanword)/ also written 來福槍|来福枪
来福枪來福槍lai2 fu2 qiang1rifle (loanword)/ also written 來復槍|来复枪
冷枪冷槍leng3 qiang1sniper's shot
刀枪刀槍dao1 qiang1sword and spear/ weapons
刀枪不入刀槍不入dao1 qiang1 bu4 ru4lit. impervious to sword or spear (idiom)/ fig. invulnerable/ untouchable/ thick-skinned/ impervious to criticism
加油枪加油槍jia1 you2 qiang1fuel nozzle
加特林机枪加特林機槍Jia1 te4 lin2 ji1 qiang1Gatling gun
匣枪匣槍xia2 qiang1Mauser pistol (C96 type)
卡宾枪卡賓槍ka3 bin1 qiang1carbine rifle (loanword)
吃枪药吃槍藥chi1 qiang1 yao4(lit.) to have swallowed gunpowder/ (fig.) to be ablaze with anger/ ornery/ snappy
唇枪舌剑唇槍舌劍chun2 qiang1 she2 jian4fight a battle of words/ cross verbal swords
唇枪舌战唇槍舌戰chun2 qiang1 she2 zhan4war of words
单枪匹马單槍匹馬dan1 qiang1 pi3 ma3lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single-handed/ unaccompanied
回马枪回馬槍hui2 ma3 qiang1sudden thrust (that catches the opponent off guard)
在枪口在槍口zai4 qiang1 kou3at gunpoint
射钉枪射釘槍she4 ding1 qiang1nail gun/ stud gun
左轮手枪左輪手槍zuo3 lun2 shou3 qiang1revolver
布伦轻机枪布倫輕機槍Bu4 lun2 qing1 ji1 qiang1Bren gun, British light machine gun first produced in 1937
手枪手槍shou3 qiang1pistol/ CL:把[ba3]
打手枪打手槍da3 shou3 qiang1to masturbate
打枪打槍da3 qiang1to fire a gun/ to substitute for sb in sitting an examination
打胶枪打膠槍da3 jiao1 qiang1sealant gun/ glue gun
拉铆枪拉鉚槍la1 mao3 qiang1see 鉚釘槍|铆钉枪[mao3 ding1 qiang1]
持枪抢劫持槍搶劫chi2 qiang1 qiang1 jie2armed robbery
排枪排槍pai2 qiang1volley/ salvo
擦枪走火擦槍走火ca1 qiang1 zou3 huo3to shoot accidentally while polishing a gun/ (fig.) a minor incident that sparks a war
放枪放槍fang4 qiang1to open fire/ to shoot a gun
散弹枪散彈槍san3 dan4 qiang1shotgun
明枪好躲,暗箭难防明槍好躲,暗箭難防ming2 qiang1 hao3 duo3 , an4 jian4 nan2 fang2lit. easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies




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