
概 [gai4]


汉字:概 / 拼音:gai4

gài general/ approximate


一概一概yi1 gai4all/ without any exceptions/ categorically
一概而论一概而論yi1 gai4 er2 lun4to lump different matters together (idiom)
上位概念上位概念shang4 wei4 gai4 nian4superordinate concept
人工概念人工概念ren2 gong1 gai4 nian4artificial concept
以偏概全以偏概全yi3 pian1 gai4 quan2(lit.) to take a part for the whole/ to generalize
先验概率先驗概率xian1 yan4 gai4 lu:4prior probability (statistics)
基本概念基本概念ji1 ben3 gai4 nian4basic concept
大概大概da4 gai4roughly/ probably/ rough/ approximate/ about/ general idea
后验概率後驗概率hou4 yan4 gai4 lu:4posterior probability (statistics)
梗概梗概geng3 gai4synopsis/ outline (of story)
条件概率條件概率tiao2 jian4 gai4 lu:4conditional probability
gai4general/ approximate
概型概型gai4 xing2(math.) a scheme
概型理论概型理論gai4 xing2 li3 lun4scheme theory (math.)
概形概形gai4 xing2scheme (in algebraic geometry)
概念概念gai4 nian4concept/ idea/ CL:個|个[ge4]
概念依存模型概念依存模型gai4 nian4 yi1 cun2 mo2 xing2conceptual dependency model
概念化概念化gai4 nian4 hua4conceptualization
概念地图概念地圖gai4 nian4 di4 tu2mind map
概念驱动加工概念驅動加工gai4 nian4 qu1 dong4 jia1 gong1concept-driven processing
概念验证概念驗證gai4 nian4 yan4 zheng4proof of concept
概括概括gai4 kuo4to summarize/ to generalize/ briefly/ CL:個|个[ge4]
概括化概括化gai4 kuo4 hua4generalization
概数概數gai4 shu4approximate number/ imprecise indication of quantity (e.g. 十幾|十几[shi2 ji3], 兩三百|两三百[liang3 san1 bai3], 一千多[yi1 qian1 duo1])
概况概況gai4 kuang4general situation/ summary
概测法概測法gai4 ce4 fa3rough-and-ready method/ rule of thumb
概率概率gai4 lu:4probability (math.)
概率和数理统计概率和數理統計gai4 lu:4 he2 shu4 li3 tong3 ji4probability and mathematical statistics
概率论概率論gai4 lu:4 lun4probability (math.)
概而不论概而不論gai4 er2 bu4 lun4fuzzy about the details




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